Откуда брать современную и актуальную лексику? В учебниках полно устаревших слов, а спискам вокабуляра из интернета не всегда можно доверять. Поэтому я решила делать разбор англоязычных статей, выбирая от туда самые полезные слова и выражения. Так как меня интересует тема психологии, я начну с разбора статей на тему отношений, сложных чувств и манипуляций.
🇺🇸 Всем Hello! Меня зовут Катерина, я — преподаватель английского языка.
Я не только веду этот блог, но и провожу индивидуальные онлайн-занятия. На моих уроках интересно, весело и комфортно: я исправляю ошибки максимально бережно, а также слежу за вашим уровнем мотивации — в общем, учу так, как хотела бы, чтобы учили меня. Вы и не заметите, как станете понимать носителей и смотреть фильмы в оригинале!
👉🏻 Запишитесь на урок и подарите себе свободу говорить на английском.
We all experience feelings that are difficult to handle. But between our emotion-phobic society and the debilitating uncertainty of modern times, we usually don’t know how to talk about them, much less handle them.
✔️ feelings that are difficult to handle - чувства, с которыми трудно справиться
✔️ emotion-phobic society - общество, страдающее эмоциофобией
✔️ the debilitating uncertainty of modern times - изнуряющая неопределенность современности
Left unchecked, comparison can make you miserable. Seeing people be better at something than you are can feel like a vicious uprooting. But with the right tools, you can use your envy to uncover what you value.
Here’s how to take your envy, decode it and turn it into positive action:
✔️ left unchecked, comparison can make you miserable - если сравнение не контролировать, оно может сделать вас несчастным
✔️ to use your envy to uncover what you value - используйте свою зависть, чтобы узнать, что вы цените
✔️ to turn it into positive action - преобразуйте ее в позитивные действия
1. Listen to your strongest triggers
Twenty years ago, while waiting for coffee to brew, a young lawyer flipped through her law school’s alumni magazine. When she read about an alum who was a full-time writer, her stomach dropped like an elevator – but that’s what led Gretchen Rubin, now a New York Times bestselling author, to pursue a new career as an author.
That’s right – her career change didn’t happen because of a conversation with her boss or visits with a life coach. It happened because she felt desperately envious of someone else’s life. Comparison can teach you what you value when you see yourself envying someone doing something you want, even if you haven’t consciously allowed yourself to want it.
✔️ felt desperately envious of someone else’s life - почувствовала отчаянную зависть к чужой жизниe
Self-awareness can help you turn your feelings into something useful, so the next time envy rears its head, ask yourself:
- What do they have that makes me feel less than?
- What void do I believe having it would fill?
- Do I really want what they have?
- If yes, how much, and is it worth taking action to try to get it for myself?
The more specific your answers, the better you’ll be able to redirect your emotion into actions and strategies.
✔️ envy rears its head - зависть дает о себе знать
✔️ void - пустота
✔️ to redirect your emotion into actions and strategies - перенаправьте свои эмоции в действия и стратегии
2. Make sure your envy doesn’t become malicious
Comparison-induced envy can be a great motivator and guide. It can also make us bitter.
Psychologists distinguish between benign envy, when we admire someone and try to emulate them, and malicious envy, when we dislike the other person for having what we want. It’s the difference between “They have a penthouse apartment, and it’s cool how they got it” and “I hate that their home has panoramic views, and I want them to suffer.”
To be clear: Both are painful. Benign envy motivates us to work harder to improve, while malicious envy makes us nasty.
We often feel malicious envy when we perceive scarcity. But in many cases, another person’s ability to achieve something is evidence that it’s possible for us, too.
To shift your thinking from malicious to benign envy, try these phrases:
- “I’m inspired by _____. Maybe I can learn from them, or ask them to be my mentor.”
- “I haven’t done what they’ve done . . . yet.”
- “Every person is on their own journey. I’m grateful for mine.”
- “If my favorite role models stopped what they were doing, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy their incredible work.”
✔️ comparison-induced envy - зависть, вызванная сравнением
✔️ benign - доброжелательная
✔️ to perceive scarcity - воспринимать нехватку
✔️ to shift your thinking from malicious to benign envy - переключите свое мышление со злонамеренной на благотворную зависть
3. Pick a broader baseline
If you see a friend hitting a personal milestone, it’s easy to feel you’re far behind in life. But if you think of 10 or 20 of your acquaintances, chances are a bunch will be in the same boat as you – and might even be happily sailing along.
✔️ to pick a broader baseline - выбрать более широкую точку зрения
✔️ hitting a personal milestone - достижение важного для вас рубежа
✔️ to feel you’re far behind in life - чувствовать, что вы сильно отстали от жизни
✔️ to be in the same boat - быть в одной лодке
In an experiment, researchers asked people to assess their running abilities. They found that participants spontaneously compared themselves with the best runner they could think of and deemed themselves not so great. The researchers then prompted the participants to list the top 10 runners they knew personally. By reflecting on the seventh- or ninth-best runner they had rubbed shoulders with, people suddenly felt a lot better. Comparing themselves with a broader group diminished the enormous gulf between themselves and what they thought of as “good.”
✔️ deemed - считается, что
✔️ prompted - побудило
✔️ rubbed shoulders with - общался с
✔️ diminished - уменьшенный
✔️ gulf - пропасть
Psychologists also find that broadening your perspective can be helpful when you experience what they call deprivation intolerance: when you don’t get what you want and that causes you to plunge into a pit of despair.
✔️ broadening your perspective - расширение кругозора
✔️ deprivation intolerance - нетерпимость к лишениям
✔️ to plunge into a pit of despair - погрузиться в яму отчаяния
The next time you desperately covet what someone else has, swap out the question “Why don’t I have that?” with “Do I have enough?”
Chances are, you can survive without whatever it is you pine for, and not having it has no impact on your worth as a person...
✔️ to covet - жаждать
✔️ to swap out the question with - отказаться от вопроса в пользу
✔️ to pine for - тосковать по