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Toy Dealer

Hello everyone,
I've decided to get round to jotting down my thoughts after spending some time posting WritingPrompts challenges. It seems that they are of little consequence to the readers. At least, only three people, including me, have come up with our written pieces. Having said that, I will get on with posting my Week's Writing Prompt challenges anyway. Check the
archive, and If you've suddenly got a desire to take part in it, do it!

I just want to say how thankful I am for all the people who stop by regularly to read my posts, check out my art, and engage with me here.

My recent thoughts are as follows:
Latterly, there has been an upsurge observed in engaging children in earning money. On the face of it, familiarising children with building up a family budget is not bad. But... shouldn't parents indulge into making their offspring business people know better than to encourage their teens to earn easy money?

A little while back, I read the article Schoolgirl Who 'makes £110k a month selling toys retires at 11 years old' on the online journal Mirror.

With a view to avoiding distortions of the context by paraphrasing the text, I'm not going to call much attention to how the 11 year old schoolgirl from Australia has harvested tons of pounds; you can cull the information directly from the article here. What I want to do instead is draw your notice to the fact per se. As for me, sometimes I think that either I live in a parallel world, or such multi-millionaire children have received a licence to print money.

The design of the image has been made by Erene I. with the tools of the web site PosterArtist Cannon https://posterartist.canon/?code=c39c22c4-d235-4587-b9ef-4d3a47d27464&state=5mdt3l&ui_language=en-GB
The design of the image has been made by Erene I. with the tools of the web site PosterArtist Cannon https://posterartist.canon/?code=c39c22c4-d235-4587-b9ef-4d3a47d27464&state=5mdt3l&ui_language=en-GB

I'll give you a benefit of the doubt if you vigorously argue in favour of the worthiness of being on a gravy train in terms of obtaining money effortlessly and quickly. But when it comes to children's future, adults shouldn't forget that merciless ramifications of such a method of capitalisation can cause a bounty of problems of any kinds. Having had such experience, scarcely will immature teens appreciate the value of hard work, but rather become suckers of society. Easy money is usually unsustainable in the long term unless invested wisely, otherwise it will be wasted as quickly as it comes in. Then the collapse is in the offing.

Is easy money obtained from posting clips and photos gathering millions of views a sign of this frenzy chaotic times? Neither do I want to be distorted, nor am I going to tar all people with the same brush. All people are different, so are personal circumstances that force parents to let their children embark on such a journey. Much worse the matter is when children who happen to manage their own debit cards do what they want unbeknownst to parents.

Thank you very much for having read this article to the end
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