After watching-reading some news I've just come across an article that's struck me as if the western society has had a screw loose. Otherwise, what can you call that action of painting the road in front of Russian's Embassy in London on 24th Feb in yello-blue. And by whom? Hahah, just by those Led by Donkeys.
What's more ridiculous is the fact that the next day after the action "Westminster City Council said in a statement that it was renaming a stretch of Bayswater Road to Kyiv Road to “show the people of Ukraine that their struggle has a visible place in our City."
Judging from where I stand, the visible place in their City indicates a certain lack of the grey matter of the ruling elite, which definitely marks the evo of western civilisation. Just to set you straight on some definitions:
The notion "EVO" origins from an Australian informal slang that means EVENING, and one of the meanings of the the word "evening" in British English is the latter or concluding period, the evening of one's life.
Well, that was just a preface to what is next. On the 25th of Feb, those, I mean Khodorkovsky and Litvinenko, licking the dust after their British masters, were observed near Russia's embassy in London, ventured out with a poor turnout of a handful of like-minded imbeciles. They were hysterically screeching out that Putin's regime must be shattered. My outrage really knows no bounds! Does Khodorkovsky still has the Russian citizenship? He that betrays the motherland must be rejected. If you think differently, You've got another think coming. 😉
What's your own stance?
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