Looking at this bar chart, you can understand how Americans went to fast food in different periods of time, specifically 2003, 2006 and 2013.
Every day in fast food ate: 2003 - 4% of people in contrast to 2006 and 2013. In these years, 3% of people ate every day in fast food.
There are 3 times more people who eat several times a week than those who eat there every day. In 2003, 16% ate several times a week in fast food. In 2013, 15.5% ate several times a week in fast food, and in 2006 - 20%.
For all these years, people who eat fast food once a week are the most, except that in 2013, once or twice a month in fast food they eat more than once a week. In 2003, about 13% of people eat fast food a couple of times a year. While in 2006 and 20013 they are equally - 15%.
It is interesting that in 2003, 2006 and 2013 there are more people who have never eaten fast food than those who eat it every day.
Those who never ate: in 2003 - 5% and who eat every day in 2003 = 4%. Those who never eaten in 2006 and 2013 - 4% and who eat every day in 2006 and 2013 - 3%.