The double C in accessory is part of what makes this word tricky. People are often tempted to replace the C with a single S sound. However, each of these C letters represents a different sound. With that in mind, accessory is pronounced [ ak-ses–uh-ree ].
This word is so hard to pronounce that it was even featured as a joke in the popular Pixar film Finding Nemo. There are two elements that make the word anemone tricky—the preponderance of M and N sounds and the [ uh-nee ] ending that looks like it should be pronounced like the number one. That said, this word does have a particular rhythm to it that can help you pronounce it correctly: [ uh–nem–uh-nee ].
Another word that has been adopted into English from French, complicating pronunciation, is coup. In French, the letters -oup at the end of a word is pronounced [ oo ]. We didn’t just adopt this French word into English, we adopted the French pronunciation, too. That means coup is correctly pronounced [ koo ].
In words that have been adopted into English from Greek, it is typical to pronounce all of the vowels. This is how we get the pronunciation epitome, from the Greek epitomḗ. Unlike many words in English, the final -e here is not silent; epitome is pronounced [ ih-pit–uh-mee ].
The word isthmus presents a challenge of pronunciation when read aloud, because most English speakers would be tempted to pronounce the TH in this word. However, in this case, the TH is silent, making the correct pronunciation [is-muhs].
The R sounds in English can be particularly tricky. It can be hard to get your mouth around them. The word juror is pronounced [ joor-er ] or [ joor-awr ]. Pronouncing R sounds in English simply takes practice. Relaxing your jaw and reciting tongue twisters like “Round and round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran” can help.
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