1. Age-dependent EEG change in children – neonatal:
2. Age-dependent EEG change in children – infant and children:
3. Epilepsy syndrome in infancy:
4. Epilepsy syndrome in childhood:
5. Epilepsy syndrome in adolescence:
6. Non-epileptiform EEG abnormalities – Slow activities:
7. Non-epileptiform EEG abnormalities – Amplitude abnormalities:
8. Non-epileptiform EEG abnormalities – Periodic patterns:
9. Basic physiology of the EEG - Introduction:
10. Basic physiology of the EEG - Neurophysiology:
11. Basic physiology of the EEG - Montage and setting:
12. EEG artifacts - Case 1:
13. EEG artifacts - Case 2-5:
14. EEG artifacts - Case 6-9:
15. EEG artifacts - Case 10 and conclusion:
16. Abnormal EEG in newborns and infants - EEG maturation:
17. Abnormal EEG in newborns and infants - Abnormal part 1:
18. Abnormal EEG in newborns and infants - Abnormal part 2:
19. Abnormal EEG in newborns and infants - Abnormal part 3: