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Nikolay Anufriev

My First Blog!

Hello everyone, today I want to tell you about the book "Crime and Punishment", which I read in a week.

At first, I think I need to tell you a little bit about the main story.
It all starts with that a former student Rodion Raskolnikov planned to kill an old interest-bearing woman.

After much thought, he fulfills his plan, after which he begins to think that everyone knows about his sin.

Nastasia comes to Rodion in the morning. She brought him a summons to the police station. Rodion is very nervous, but at the station, it turns out that he is only required to write a receipt with an obligation to pay the debt to the landlady.

Already about to leave the station, Rodion accidentally hears the police talking about the murder of Alyona Ivanovna and faints. Everyone decides that Raskolnikov is ill and lets him go home.

Then his friends visit him and bring money to his mother to pay for the apartment. Friends believe that Raskolnikov is ill and, after talking a little about the fact that the dyer Mikola is suspected of murder, they leave.

Then Rodion walks around the city and thinks about suicide, after talking to a policeman about murder


Later, the story goes about how the police sort out the case and how Raskolnikov begins to lose himself. He begins to have nightmares where everyone is blaming him for murder

Then, at the funeral, he meets Sonya and protects her from Luzhin's lies. After that, Rodion privately confesses to the girl that it was he who killed the old woman. Sonya understands everything and offers him to surrender and confess in church

After accepting faith in God, the main character accepts his fate and confesses to the murder, and goes to prison with Sonya, who went with him


I didn't really like this novel, it seemed too dark for me.

But I liked how this book shows very well the self-destruction under the weight of guilt and the feelings of the characters, their fears, and despair.

For this, this novel is loved all over the world, but it's still not for me.


Well, that's it. Thank you for reading my first blog! Subscribe and like! Bye everyone!