Love, health, knowledge - this is what is given for free and at the same time is the most valuable thing. Perhaps this list can be expanded, I give you this opportunity.
Love cannot be taken, love can only be received. We love not for something; we love despite and no matter what. No matter how badly children behave, parents will still love them, even if it seems to children that this is not so. A loving person will forgive everything and give everything to his beloved. Love is a sacrifice, you cannot take it, but you can refuse it, and we are allowed to decide whether to accept or reject this priceless gift. Love cannot be created, but it can be sown, and it is not given to us to predict what will grow out of this, or maybe nothing will grow.
In Russian, we often say “I love”, although the meaning is correct to say “I like”, and one needs to understand: I really love or just like it. It is also important to understand the difference between love and infatuation. Infatuation describes feelings for the ideal that we created in our minds, when we have not yet met the object of love well enough, invented and fell, and this feeling can disappear when we find out that the one by which we created the ideal is different from this ideal. The effect of infatuation is usually short.
Several words in Greek describe love, one of which can be translated as friendship. Friendship could be attributed to an invaluable gift, but here a lot depends on us, friendship is not given for free, friendship must be earned. Friends, pals, and good acquaintances are different concepts, and it is necessary to separate these concepts. There can't be friendship between a man and a woman, relations between a man and a woman can be at the level of friendship, but if the value of communication increases, and then the relationship will move to the level of intimacy. A friendship between women is a political move, they can only be friends against a common enemy, but in the absence of such, relations can be maintained, at best, at the level of companions, or over time they can turn into a confrontation. Men are more naive about this, they can be friends without seeking to benefit.
Health is given for free. We can spend efforts to improve health, and for this, we do not need money. You can spend a lot of money on maintaining health if it is damaged, but this will not return the lost health, we can only realize that the next loss for our health may be critical.
Knowledge is an invaluable gift, and it is simply stupid to refuse it. Knowledge is not just information; it is processed information ready for use. The difference in value between information and knowledge is the same as between a diamond and a polished diamond. You can spend a lot of money on education, but you still don't get knowledge. We can get knowledge only voluntarily, no one can force us to learn except ourselves. We alone can open our minds to knowledge.
The claim that repetition is the mother of learning is wrong. Thoughtless memorization does not lead to understanding. Training develops skills, but it is not learning. In the process of learning, the meaning opens, and if you repeat the same thing several times, the meaning will not open. Perhaps a saying will be appropriate here: no matter how long you say "sweetness", your mouth will not become sweeter. Understanding comes when we can retell the meaning in other words - in our own words, and the meaning does not change. With our words, we can pass the acquired knowledge to someone else at any time.