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ABI interface

As you probably already know, contract Abi is a kind of code that is converted into a binary system. However, this is not quite true. First of all, ABI is a kind of interface between two software modules, or it can also be called a link. Very often, one Abi code

abi code
abi code

is at the level of machine code, and the other is already a manual decryption. In turn, the interface is a de facto method of encoding or decoding digital data from machine code or back into machine code.

In order to get such an encrypted code, there is no need to download many different programs or pay other people. You can easily do it yourself on HashEx.

To do this, navigate to this website abi.hashex.org and follow the instructions. In fact, everything is very simple here and all you need to do is enter the start code in one window on the page, and get its decryption in the second. In addition, on the HashEx website, you can also encode Solidity contracts for EVM and, conversely, read data from transactions. And all this is completely free and without registration.

