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Мария Шарапова

Planning a surprise party 🎉

Party- its cool. A lots of people come here.

Our party will be for our best friend. She will be 14 years old and we want to make wonderful birthday party!!! It will be 15th of October.The party will start at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.🕒☎️

The party will be in our best friend's house .🏠🌹

We need to buy some food and drinks: two big pizzas lots of fruits sandwiches and chocolate. For a drink we need to buy 3 bottles of orange juice and 1 bottle of lemonade. And of course huge chocolate cake.🎂🍰🍾


We need to do some decorations and costumes.🎉


Here will be lots of great music: pop, hip-hop, rock and many many music which will dance all of people.🎶🎵


Our party will be in style of 80s. There will be people in costumes, festivals and interesting games.


In invitation cards will draw my best friend's favourite characters. It will be Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Carribbean.⚓
