The morning
I woke up at 6:00. The child did not want to wake up.
But she did at 7:00. Wife went to kindergarten through моросящий drizzly rain.
I went to my SkyEng lesson, and realized, that it no any lesson today at my schedule and the next will be tomorrow at 8:00 A.M. The flight was hard...
In this case, I grabbed my car and drove to work.
The day
The day was really hardworking.
I had some teach activities about 4 hours, and I am feeling totally exhausted after 4hours webex.
Other project have lower priority, but I have some missing task.
The evening
I drove to home about 1 hour.
Moscow State University is pretty night in the night.
My wife were trying to go asleep our daughter, when I arrived.
She tell me, than she were trying about one hour.
Next, I were trying about 40 minutes, before she went asleep.
After that, we were watching the one episode of Doctor House, and I go to work - tomorrow will be the last teaching session.
I need to be prepared.