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18.09.2021, Day 10


Today, let's me speak from my hurt...(C)

The morning

Today I woke about 8:00, so I did not achieve today goal. But anyway, it was impossible for me after the night arrival from St.Petersburg.

Well, I spent about four hours for work - there was very important proposal for new customer.

And we have an conversation in English with our partner.

Well, the work is almost done, I hope, and I can spend some time with me family.

The day

My daughter hugged me and ask me about pink balance bike. We found the similar in second-hand market. It costs about 500r, and this is the great price for the temporary fling.

The evening

Well, I have bought the balance bike.

The child is happy.

The evening is short ))

Time to supper and go to bed.

Tommorow the work will be waiting me again. It is not as planned, but as predicted.

Have a nice evening!