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Турецкий журнал в Скопус, Q4 (менеджмент информационных систем), International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies

Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам турецкое научное издание International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies. Журнал имеет четвёртый квартиль, издается в Social Sciences Research Society, находится в открытом доступе, его SJR за 2020 г. равен 0,142, электронный ISSN - 2146-0744, предметные области - Менеджмент информационных систем, Бизнес и международный менеджмент, Управление технологиями и инновациями, Прикладные компьютерные науки. Вот так выглядит обложка:

Публикационный контакт - sobiad.ijebeg@gmail.com.

Это рецензируемый международный журнал, издаваемым на английском языке. Он нацелен на публикацию высококачественных научных исследований во всех областях информационных систем, управления знаниями, электронного бизнеса, электронной коммерции, маркетинга, электронной коммерции, электронного правительства, государственных услуг, электронного управления и т.д. Будучи международным журналом, аудитория Международного журнала исследований электронного бизнеса и электронного правительства включает ученых, исследователей, политиков, регулирующих органов и практиков. Журнал издается Исследовательским обществом социальных наук.

Адрес издания - https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ijebeg/issue/51621

Пример статьи, название - WEARABLE ACTIVITY-TRACKING DEVICE FEATURE PREFERENCE AMONGST SOUTH AFRICAN GENERATION Y STUDENTS. Заголовок (Abstract) - Wearable activity-tracking devices such as pedometers, various electrode-based chest straps, accelerometer-based arm straps, fashion bracelets, jewellery, fitness bands and watches, earphones, and smart clothing have revolutionised health and sports monitoring. Based on the benefits of using this wearable technology, it is no surprise that the adoption thereof has increased rapidly. In 2019, the sports, fitness, and activity monitor market is estimated to generate 2.8 billion USD in global revenue. In South Africa, merely 13 percent of households own some form of wearable technology. Dominating this market is the youth, where 33.7 percent of these individuals are between the ages of 18 to 24 years, thus belonging to the Generation Y cohort. The literature, documenting wearable activity-tracking device feature preference amongst consumers, especially among this cohort, is limited. As such, this study explored South African Generation Y students' feature preferences on wearable activity-tracking devices in order to assist device manufacturers and marketing practitioners in developing and marketing devices that will appeal to this large segment. A non-probability convenience sample of 480 students, registered at three public HEIs in South Africa’s Gauteng province, voluntarily completed self-administered questionnaires. A descriptive research design was followed and the captured data were analysed using measures of frequency. The findings indicate that the top five device features preferred by South African Generation Y students are measuring heart rate/blood pressure, tracking steps taken/distance travelled, calculating daily calories burnt, tracking sleep patterns and GPS tracking. In an effort to increase wearable activity-tracking device adoption amongst Generation Y students, both local and international device manufacturers need to consider these device feature preferences in order to manufacture and advertise such devices accordingly. Keywords: Wearable activity-tracking devices, new technology adoption, feature preference, Generation Y, South Africa