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Pretty Toys Magazine

Rita Y. Y. NG. Малыши под именем “YuYu Bear”

Меня зовут Рита Y. Y. NG, я из Гон-Конга. Свою компанию я назвала “YuYu Bear”, которое ассоциируется с моей фамилией.

Autumn bears: Tarocco (left, 10.25") is made from orange nectar color tipped mohair. Morello (right, 7.25") is made from beautiful Japanese mohair of autumn leaves color.
Autumn bears: Tarocco (left, 10.25") is made from orange nectar color tipped mohair. Morello (right, 7.25") is made from beautiful Japanese mohair of autumn leaves color.

В конце 2009 года я начала создавать выкройки и шить моих медведей - фей. Медвежонок “Fairy_love green” выиграл 1-ое место в категории миниатюрных мишек в 2009 году в Тайваньской номинации мишек Тедди! С тех пор я мечтала быть дизайнером мишек.

Daisy: My first bunny, is made from dense faux fur in buttermilk color and about 13.5" tall when seated (from ears), with her name and flowers embroidered on foot pads.
Daisy: My first bunny, is made from dense faux fur in buttermilk color and about 13.5" tall when seated (from ears), with her name and flowers embroidered on foot pads.

Я продолжаю познавать новые секреты в создании мишек и продолжаю создавать дизайнерских мишек: от миниатюрного до среднего размеров. Мои мишки имеют круглые головки и пухленькие щечки. Мне нравиться предавать их лицам различное выражение и для это я использую различные навыки, такие как валяние или вышивка. Мне нравится придавать индивидуальные эмоции каждому моему творению, “Y” вышитое на подошве, символизирует “YuYu Bear”.

The B Trio: Banana Daiquiri, he's about 6.5" tall with black alpaca body. Banana Milkshake, she's about 6.25" tall with white alpaca limbs, both are made from yellow alpaca. Banoffee, the needle-felted chick is their best friend. They're riding on a bike like trolley and having fun
The B Trio: Banana Daiquiri, he's about 6.5" tall with black alpaca body. Banana Milkshake, she's about 6.25" tall with white alpaca limbs, both are made from yellow alpaca. Banoffee, the needle-felted chick is their best friend. They're riding on a bike like trolley and having fun

Мне интереснее делать мишек, так как они появляются в моем воображение и затем я их создаю, давая жизнь воображаемому.

Oceanna and babe doll: She is about 8" tall and made from antique blue wavy kid mohair. I made her a 3'' babe doll with needle felted muzzle and a milk bottle
Oceanna and babe doll: She is about 8" tall and made from antique blue wavy kid mohair. I made her a 3'' babe doll with needle felted muzzle and a milk bottle
Rudolph (left, 10.25") is inspired by a white Christmas. Holly (middle, 6.25"), the Santa's helper, with needle felted nose and tiny holly on it. Twinkle (right, 8.25"), a blue and white panda who wears a crystal bell ornament from Swarovski.
Rudolph (left, 10.25") is inspired by a white Christmas. Holly (middle, 6.25"), the Santa's helper, with needle felted nose and tiny holly on it. Twinkle (right, 8.25"), a blue and white panda who wears a crystal bell ornament from Swarovski.
Rosie: My first elephant, is made from rosy tipped mohair and about 6" tall, with four little roses on head as embellishment.
Rosie: My first elephant, is made from rosy tipped mohair and about 6" tall, with four little roses on head as embellishment.