Many people think that if a person knows a foreign language completely, it will not be difficult to work as a translator . While others tend to the opinion that for such work you need not only knowledge of the language .
I believe that to work as an interpreter , you need not only a fluent knowledge of the foreign language. The first thing which needs to be said is that in order to get such a job, you need to have a well-set speech and a good memory, as well as a large vocabulary. One should be note here that the interpreter must be able to clearly and coherently express thoughts, concentrate, be balanced and be able to smooth out conflicts.
The other side of the coin is , however, that there are people who believe that anyone who knows foreign language fluently can work as a translator without difficulties. They think that it is enough to be able to talk on various topics and have communication skills.
I strongly do not agree with my opponent, because it is not enough to know the entire vocobular of a foreign language , you need to be able to take into account the cultural characteristics of the foreign interlocutor and keep neutral , as well as correctly convey and catch the words of the translated person in time.
To sum up, it should be notised that the job of an interpreter is not as simple as it seems at first glance .This job requires a professional education.