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Sid Vicious is inspiring

I would like to tell you about a person who inspires me. Everyone calls him Sid Vicious, but his real name is John Simon Ritchie. This is a famous punk rock artist who popularized this style, we can say that he founded the punk subculture. His life is a hard story about love, drugs and rock-n-roll.

He was born into a working-class family. His mother used narcotic substances and encouraged Sid to do the same. His father soon left the family and Sid was left with a drug addict mother.

He didn't have a good relationship with the school, he quit studying at the age of 15, but after a while he entered college, where he met Johnny Rotten. This acquaintance influenced the musical career of Vicious. Thanks to Johnny, Sid joined the Sex Pistols, where he took the role of bass guitarist.

The most interesting thing is that Sid's playing skills were disgusting. No matter how hard he tried to learn how to play, nothing worked out for him, and sometimes at concerts it was necessary to disconnect his bass guitar from the amplifiers so that he would not interfere with the rest of the band members.

But with his behavior, Sid Vicious brought popularity to the band, he behaved as provocatively as possible, which interested the media and the news about the rebellious punk band in the UK spread around the world.

Sid died of a drug overdose at the age of 21 after his girlfriend was killed, and he became the main suspect.

Despite a very short life, Sid Vicious and the Sex Pistols gave the world a whole era of rebellious youth and punks. They showed that it is possible to live differently, not obeying the system and expressing your opinion openly. This is what Sid inspires me with.