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How do they make sausage!?YOU WILL BE SHOCKED!+ Recipe

The process of making boiled sausages consists of the following stages:

Cutting, when the meat is divided into anatomical parts.

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Deboning is a process during which meat is separated from bones with the help of special installations or manually with knives.

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Veining-raw materials are freed from veins, cartilage, fat deposits and cleaned of dirt, bruises, remnants of bristles, brands.

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Sorting-meat is divided into grades depending on the composition of raw materials.

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Chopping meat. This process takes place in a spinning top or an electric grinder.

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Ambassador. To prepare the brine, salt and nitrite are added to the water. The resulting solution is mixed until the salt is completely dissolved and settled for a long time. The salt consumption for this process is 2-2. 5 kg per 100 kg of meat. After salting, the meat must be kept at a temperature of 2-4℃ for 48 hours for pieces and 24 for the crushed product. Then it is placed in a special container for maturation for 24-72 hours, depending on the initial state of the raw material (steamed, cooled or thawed). After that, the meat becomes juicy, plastic, sticky, acquires a delicate taste and moisture-absorbing properties.

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Secondary grinding. To prepare the minced meat, the product is fed into a cutter, where all the components of the sausage are crushed and mixed. The process lasts 5-10 minutes. The coarser the connective tissue, the longer it takes to process the product. Snow or ice is used to maintain the required temperature during grinding. Depending on the type of sausage produced at this stage, spices, glucose, egg powder, chicken melange, milk, starch, and water are added to the minced meat to give juiciness. The proportion of water is 10-35% of the mass of raw materials, so the finished product weighs more than unprocessed meat. The minced meat intended for some varieties of sausages is placed after the cooter in a minced meat mixer, where pieces of chilled bacon are added to it. The result of secondary grinding is a homogeneous paste-like mass.

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Padding. The prepared minced mixture is filled with shells, forming loaves. This stage of the process is performed using special syringes. The minced meat is not injected close to the shell to avoid its rupture during heat treatment. To remove excess air, the shell is hatched, making punctures in it.

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Binding. At this stage, the resulting loaf, which is given the shape of a cylinder, ball, ring or half-ring, is tied with twine both along and across the product, and put a trademark on it.

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Sediment. The loaves are hung on special devices and kept for 2-4 hours in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of 3-7℃.

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Roasting — processing of loaves in thermal chambers. The product is sterilized, acquires strength and resistance to bacteria. When roasting, the loaves are given a light smell and taste of smoking. The minced meat gets a pinkish-red color. Sausages are fried at 70-120 ° C, after which they are treated with smoke. The temperature of the product should not exceed 50℃. After roasting with an interval of no more than 30 minutes, the sausage is sent for cooking.

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Cooking. Sausage loaves are cooked in water or steamed at 75-85 ° C until 68-70 ° C is reached in the center of the products. The duration of the process depends on the type of meat and the volume of the loaf and takes from 40 minutes to 3 hours.

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Cooling. The sausage, pre-cooled under a water shower, is placed in a cold (up to 8℃) room for 10-12 hours until the temperature in the center of the loaf drops to 15℃ and excess moisture evaporates. When water-cooled, the loaves are also cleaned of dirt and stains.

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The finished product must have a clean, dry, solid surface and be dense and elastic in consistency. The quality requirements for cooked sausages are reflected in GOST R 52196-2011


The cost of starting production

The costs of opening your own sausage production include the approximate cost (in dollars):

registration of the company — about $700;

rent of a production room, including a warehouse, a refrigerator, tool rooms, places for washing equipment and for heat treatment, rooms for employees (the total area of the room should be from 50 to 100 m2) - from $1,000 per month;

hiring of personnel (technologist, butchers, mechanics, movers) - from $2,000 per month;

utility bills-from $500;

equipment purchases-from $20,000 to $130,000;

purchases of raw materials-from $3,000;

marketing —from $1,000.

As you can see, opening a sausage business costs about $ 82,700 on average.

The profitability of this type of business is about 30%, and the payback period is from 3 to 5 months.

Doctor's sausage recipe according to GOST

ingredients and equipment

Beef of the highest grade without veins-250g;

pork semi-fat shoulder-750g;

Ice water-200ml;

Nitrite salt - 10g;

Table salt - 10g;

Whole cow's milk -20 ml;


Egg - 1 piece;

Ground nutmeg - 1g;

Ground cardamom-0.5 g;

Ground black pepper - 1 g;

Collagen shell caliber 65mm;

Sausage Twine;

A thermometer for meat.

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