A special Pokémon Go space-themed Ultra Unlock bonus event is taking place part of August, since players completed goals during Pokémon Go Fest. The event features the usual event things, like increased spawns, new Shiny Pokémon, and research tasks. Our Pokémon Go guide will list out the Timed Research and rewards, potential event Field Research you can get, and list out the spawns.
The event runs from Aug. 6-17, when it will be followed by part the last part of the Ultra Unlock event, which will introduce Galar region Pokémon to the game.
Check out the Field Research, Timed Research, and special bonuses below.
POKÉMON GO ULTRA UNLOCK PART 2 TIMED RESEARCH STEPSULTRA UNLOCK PART 2 STEP 1 OF 5Catch 10 Pokémon (Munna encounter)Make 5 nice throws (Clefairy encounter)Transfer 5 Pokémon (7 Nanab Berries)
Rewards: 10 Poké Balls, 484 XP, 5 Ultra Balls
ULTRA UNLOCK PART 2 STEP 2 OF 5Catch 10 Pokémon (8 Razz Berries)Use 5 Razz Berries to help catch Pokémon (Lunatone encounter)Use 5 Nanab Berries to help catch Pokémon (Solrock encounter)
Rewards: 10 Pinap Berries, 484 XP, 5 Ultra Balls
ULTRA UNLOCK PART 2 STEP 3 OF 5Catch 10 Pokémon (Gastly encounter)Make 5 great throws (Duskull encounter)Make 5 nice throws in a row (Shuppet encounter)
Rewards: 15 Poké Balls, 484 XP, 5 Ultra Balls
ULTRA UNLOCK PART 2 STEP 4 OF 5Catch 15 Pokémon (6 Pinap Berries)Make 7 great curveball throws (East Sea Shellos encounter)Make 7 nice curveball throws in a row (West Sea Shellos encounter)
Rewards: 12 Razz Berries, 484 XP, 5 Ultra Balls
ULTRA UNLOCK PART 2 STEP 5 OF 5Catch 7 psychic-type Pokémon (Elgyem encounter)Win a raid (Espurr encounter)Make 2 excellent throws (1 Silver Pinap Berry)
Reward: 30 Poké Balls, 5 Ultra Balls, 3,000 Stardust