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Artificial intelligence

The shocking idea about human intelligence


If you think that the human brain is a biological computing machine that works according to its own algorithms, most likely you are one of those people who believe that intelligence can be created using two tools: high computing power and a set of algorithms.

In fact, you are wrong ...


Because the human brain is not one, but two systems that work in tandem. Our brain has two mechanisms for generating a response to an external stimulus - a reflex and an intellectual (conscious) response.


The basis of the reflex is the reflex arc or the direct response of motor neurons to a stimulus received from sensory neurons. As soon as a stimulus appears, the living organism acts. At the same time, the number of neurons in the neural arc does not change the essence of the reflex in any way.

A reflex is not an algorithm or a computational function - it is a fast direct and, most importantly, a pre-selected response to a specific type of stimulus. In the case of a reflex, the nervous system acts according to a pre-selected scheme. The reflex is always within the paradigm of real events.


A completely different response pattern works when our brains use intelligence.

At this moment, everything changes

  • The first thing our brain has to do for an intellectual reaction is to form an abstract image with which we map or standardize the surrounding reality.

Before creating a response, the brain must understand what is happening.

This is how the brain interprets the information that comes to it from the senses. The created abstract circuit is not a frozen picture, but a dynamic sequence of abstract circuits that form a decision, which the brain transmits as commands to motor neurons.

Intellect always creates its own reality and virtually stands above the image and process invented by itself. This is how our brain identifies itself and, thanks to this scheme, our brain can create images that are divorced from objective reality, and sometimes contradict sensory information.

  • As a result, the reflex is always inside the real situation and the intellect (consciousness), on the contrary, is always outside its own abstract model.

Intellect (consciousness) and reflexes are completely different reaction patterns.

Let's check it out now!

Each of you can do a simple experiment.

You need to sit in front of the lamp and ask the other person to suddenly turn on the light. In response to this, you need to immediately press the timer button. This way you can record the time between the flash of light and your mechanical reaction. After a few repetitions, you will bring this simple action to automaticity and will press the button at a speed of 200-220 milliseconds after the flash of light. This is how the reflex works.

If you try to connect intelligence, then the simplest thing is to try to delay the pressing of the timer button a little. And then something very interesting happens. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to press button 250, 300, or even 450 milliseconds after the flash. The fastest response under the control of the intellect (consciousness) will be 550 milliseconds after the flash of light!

A huge delay of 350 milliseconds is what it means to use intelligence in the simplest response to a stimulus.

None of the creators of artificial intelligence pays attention to this time difference. The speed of a nerve impulse in large fibers of the human nervous system is 100–120 meters per second. In a time of 350 milliseconds, the nerve impulse will have time to travel a distance of 40 meters, which is enormous on the scale of the human nervous system!

  • This suggests that we have two completely different response systems that do not mix even when, in the same simple situation, we consistently turn on a reflex or an intellectual response scheme.

Intelligence and reflex are two response patterns that exist in our nervous system

The reflex is the quickest way to react is the ideal tactic. The mind is a very slow mechanism - a kind of strategist.

Horse and rider

Schematically, we can represent the intellect as a rider on a horse. The horse in this example will symbolize a reflex. Due to the huge time lag, the intellect cannot control the movement of the horse's legs - a reflex, but it can control the direction of movement. Whereas the horse (reflex) is unable to understand the goal of the rider (intellect).

Symbiosis instead of evolution

Such a binary system corresponds to the biological scheme of symbiosis when we are dealing with a binary organism. In this case, intelligence is not the result of gradual evolutionary changes, but an additional functional system that appeared suddenly, and not as a result of a long process of gradual evolution. Our intellectual part of the central nervous system behaves like a classic symbiont, which forms commands of action with a huge delay.

This is a very important conclusion that will allow us to get an answer to the main question: how to create a true artificial intelligence of a hybrid type.

  • In the next articles on this channel, we will find out the energetic and functional features of the intellectual system of our brain and understand how exactly at the neuronal level the dual response circuit underlying symbiosis works.

In the future, it will become clear to us how the technology will be created that will build a strong AI of a completely new hybrid type.

I promise it will shock you that you recognize it...

The ideas, arguments, and conclusions described in this article are part of the doctrine of Syntropism.