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Japanese Yahagi cruiser leaves Sasebo Bay

The Japanese cruiser Yahagi (IJN Yahagi) leaves Sasebo Bay in December 1943.
Yaghagi light cruiser of Agano class was built, like the other ships of this series as the leader of the flotilla of destroyers. It was completed by construction on Sasebo’s ferry on December 29, 1943. Took part in the battle of the Mariana Islands, in which the 10th flotilla of destroyers led by him failed the PLO of the formation, which led to the loss of two aircraft carriers; In the Battle of Phillipin, by the fire of the cruiser and the destroyers led by him, the American destroyer Johnston was sunk.
Cruiser Yahagi went down in history as the leader of the escort battleship Yamato in the last hike on April 7, 1945. The escort was made by the ships of the 2nd squadron – the “Yahagi” light cruiser and eight destroyers under the command of Rear Admiral Komura. The general command of the compound was entrusted to Vice-Admiral Ito. At 12.46, the first torpedo hit the cruiser, immediately depriving it of its course. Yahagi cruiser sank at 14.05, receiving at least 2 torpedoes and 5 bombs. The ship killed 446 people.

Location: Sasebo, Japan
Date: December 1943