Сегодня разберем тему “It is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment”, как написать эссе для экзамена, перефразировать и подобрать аргументы, не отойдя от темы.
Начнем с перевода.
Ответственность правительства - защищать окружающую среду.
Выделяем ключевые слова.
Ответственность правительства - защищать окружающую среду.
Находим синонимы
Responsibility - be in charge, be responsible for, duty
Protect - care, preserve, conserve, safeguard, concern + environment.
Перефразируем заголовок.
The government is in charge of conservation of the environment.
Only the government is responsible for the protection of the environment.
Выбираем подходящие аргументы
- It is on the government to pass the laws protecting the environment and control corporations and citizens how they obey these laws.
- Government has all the opportunity to launch and support campaigns to educate people how to take care of the environment.
- It would be extremely irresponsible of the authorities to avoid controlling poachers, deforestation, polluters and hope that people can take responsibility for their doings, because it is the government who eventually will have to deal with the consequences of this neglect.
- In reality and historically, the government is just an institution that is elected by people and the responsibility it takes is given by the people, so until people realise their duty to protect the environment the government can hardly make do with it.
- No matter how strict the laws that governments make in order to protect the environment are, if people and companies do not obey these laws, the environment will not be conserved.
- Greenhouse effect and climate change are not the result of government's actions only, they are the result of multiple mistakes and short-sightedness of scientists, politicians, heads of the global business who wrongly estimated the consequences of their decisions, inventions or actions.
Пишем заключение
All in all, the government is\is not to take the responsibility for the environment issues.
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