The Russian peasant is threshing grain. The original name: “The threshing of the harvest as in ancient times (the times of the forefathers)”. Kaluga region, USSR.
The author of the photo of The Russian peasant is Asmus Remmer was born in 1909 in Germany. He worked as a photographer, was the owner of his own studio with a photo lab, one of the first to master the color photo.
From 1940 to 1945 years. Asmus Remmer served in the Wehrmacht as a regimental communications officer, in 1942-1943. participated in the fighting in the USSR, then in France. In May 1945, he was sent to an American prisoner of war camp.
The photographs taken by Asmus Remmer in the occupied Kaluga region of the USSR represent artistic works in the field of portrait, genre and landscape photography.
Location: Kaluga
Date: 1942
Author: Asmus Remmer