Cегодня разберем написание эссе по теме “It is wrong to make pupils read a lot in summer.” Как подобрать синонимы, перефразировать, выразить аргументы и не уйти от темы.
Первым делом - перевод.
“Неправильно заставлять учеников много читать летом”
Выделяем ключевые слова.
“Неправильно заставлять учеников много читать летом”
У нас редкая тема, когда ключевые слова все, поэтому я выделила те, которые точно будут подтверждаться или оспариваться в эссе. (Остальные синонимы рассмотрю в конце статьи.)
“Неправильно заставлять учеников много читать летом”
Wrong - not right, inappropriate, an erroneous\mistaken decision, not good
A lot - much, considerable amounts, huge quantities of (books), a great deal of, vast array of (reading).
Перефразируем заголовок.
It is not right to make pupils do a considerable amount of reading in summer.
The pupils should not be given a great deal of books for summer reading,
Для аргументов нам может пригодится лексика по теме чтения.
Выбираем аргументы.
- Summer holidays are the only opportunity for a pupil to recover after an exhausting school year, but huge reading homework given for the summer destroys their chances to get a proper rest.
- Everyone knows how quickly the information may be forgotten by pupils. Even if a pupil reads all books, their contents are likely to have vanished from the learner’s memory by the beginning of the next studying year, so it is a rather unwise decision to make pupils read a lot in summer.
- During a school year pupils do mostly monotonous, tedious and stressful activities such as drilling, cramming, doing tests and reading, They stay at desks for hours and that adversely impacts their health (spine, eyesight), so it is not good to make pupils continue such detrimental work as reading during a summer break when they can do more sports, walk and breathe fresh air.
- Reading is often considered to be a leisure activity that enhances mental abilities and broadens people's horizons. Reading is essential in any season, and in summer pupils have a perfect opportunity to relax and take their time reading whilst they develop their literacy.
- Relaxing and lazy summer holidays negatively influence studying process at the beginning of a school year, so it is of a paramount importance to make pupils study and read during summer, so huge amounts of reading should come in handy,
- During the school year there is not often enough time to catch up with the school curriculum and read necessary books, so it is wise to make pupils read books in advance in summer to prepare better for the following studying.
Пишем заключение.
In conclusion, making pupils read extensively in summer is\is not wrong,
Разберем синонимы, которые я практически не использовала, чтобы не было ухода от темы.
pupil - ученик школы (тот, кто учится в школе)
student - ученик любого учебного заведения, студент
schoolchild - школьник (тот, кто посещает школу)
learner - учащийся
book - книга
volume - том (a volume of ‘War and peace”)
tome - большая увесистая книга, том
text - текст
fiction - художественная литература
novel - роман
student\set book - учебник
encyclopaedia - энциклопедия
dictionary - словарь
read - читать
recite - читать на публику по памяти (как правило, стихотворение)
peruse - вчитываться
flip\flip\look\leaf\browse + through- пролистывать
skim\scan - поверхностно читать, чтобы получить общее представление
pore over - внимательно долго читать
devour - проглатывать
dip into - читать отдельные части
plough\wade through - пробираться через нудное чтиво
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