Прими мою любовь
You say that euphoria doesn't last forever.
So let it last until it passes. Never
Don't miss the nice and happy moment's.
My heart breathes with you and enjoys.
It's so great when we can get high.
Wnen we can enjoy each other. Don't lie,
That you're not happy with me.
As soon as it's over, I'll leave
If you want me to. And if you want
I can still be your friend... My heart is hot.
But it won't burn you. Let me enjoy you, just a little more.
Let's forget everything that happened before.
Don't reject me. You will also live you free life,
Just let's make it sweeter. Accept my love.
I don't impose myself and I don't hold on.
You will also live your own life.
My love won't hurt. My heart is burn...
It has the cleanest love...
#стихи #стихисобственногосочинения #стихинаанглийском