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Мое стихотворение на английском языке

Я просто писала все, что у меня на душе. Но старалась сделать это так, чтобы можно было подогнать под рифму.


You will always remain in my heart.

I'm sorry to write you this so late.

I will be sincere. And I will write,

Here, the pure truth. You're right,

I have everything. But none of fhis replace you.

If you want, we'll start over. This sheet will be new.

Nothing can replace you voice, the touch of your hands.

Nothing can replace you lips. But now we're not even friends.

I know you're not mine, but my heart doesn't think so.

You left. But I can't believe it. And I scream: "Wait! - No!"

I know you know as little about me us I do about you.

But you miss me. And now I know what it's like to be, without you...

After all, you remember my voice. You remember my smile.

Nothing has changed. I just changed my style.

And I remember you birthmark and keep it in my heart as the most precious.

You think my feellings aren't real. But just at the tears on my lashes.

I realy love you. I'm sorry I said too many unnecessary words.

But I didn't say most important thing. Even though I let you into my worlds.

There's a lot I haven't told you yet.

I'm sorry we didn't understand

Each other. I need you. My heart is in your hands.

Keep it as a talisman. As the obereg agains't

Any adversity. And don't break it please.

And know that I really love you. I miss.

Стихотворение собственного авторства. "Моя любовь".