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Principles of time management

Principles of time management

Principles of time managementhave been known and used by successful people throughout history; they have been used in all organizations and in all spheres of activity. These are the fundamental laws. They are undeniable and unchangeable.

Devote a few minutes each morning to think about your day.

Plan it according to your priorities and focus on those tasks that are important, though not urgent, because they develop you as a person and as a professional. Important, yet not urgent, things bring serious results; it can be the development of a strategy, the formation of relationships or education. There is only one way to happiness and it implies the achievement of your personal, professional or any other goals. You are more satisfied with life when you feel that you are useful and you move towards a dream. Then you will notice that you have boundless energy and vitality.

Learn to say "no".

Never let the most important things to be pushed into the background by those things that are less important to you.

Do not let trifles distract you from the things that really matter. Always ask yourself: "Do I spend my time and energy the best way?" "How can I use them more wisely and productively now?" "Does everything I do now brings me closer to my primary goal?" Deal with primary issues and push aside everything unimportant.

To be indispensable for everyone is a crazy, unrealistic and impossible goal. The skill to say "No" is not a self-restriction. This is the solid knowledge of what is needed to achieve success faster. It is worth mentioning that discipline also helps your employees to be responsible for their own results.

Set deadlines and focus on meeting them.

Taking control of your time management you should develop the habit of setting a framework for each case and take them into account. When you are planning your day estimate how long it will take you to do everything that you have scheduled, try to meet deadlines.

Set limits for a project without extra time. According to the famous Parkinson's Law "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion". This means that if you give yourself two days to make a presentation you will spend exactly this amount of time, if four – it will take you four days. That is why set strict limits thinking about deadlines. It is better to fulfill an order earlier. It will create a positive image in the eyes of customers.