How long does it take to become a professional?
Professional and personal development occurs throughout life.
The main reason why many people cannot make a career is that they do not realize, how much time they need to spend in order to achieve excellence in any field. Extensive research in this area shows, that it takes about five to seven years of hard work to get to the top of professionalism, continuing lifelong learning.
That means five to seven years of focused, determined and hard working on your own in order to achieve better results in key areas that are responsible for your personal development. Short paths do not exist.
Some people think that five to seven years spent on achieving excellence in their field is too long. It is really a lot. But it is worth holding in mind, that years will pass anyway. It is better not to waste them.
Most people regret that "they have not started early enough. "But the time - five to seven years - will pass. The natural question is "what your career will look like in five to seven years?" You can spend these years searching for short-cuts to achieve desired things. Think about it, probably, it is better to start doing something that cannot bear fruit at once?
Personal development through hard work
The good news is that, if you set a goal in your career, make a plan and work on it every day for five to seven years, starting from now, you will be among the top 10% of professionals in this field. Through personal development you will become one of the highest paid and most respected people in your sphere. Through hard work you will achieve great results and get a decent reward.
Remember this. As Brian Tracy says - a man, whom I respect immensely and whose ideas influenced me greatly: "No one is smarter than you and no one is better than you." If someone is more successful than you, it just means, that this person started improving himself (herself) earlier. And no matter what results someone has got, you can reach the same. There are no limits except those ones you set for yourself.
The fact that others are able to stand out starting career in any sphere with no experience or skills is a proof, that you can become a winner trough hard work. Your challenge is to suppress doubts, start to act, improve yourself all the time.
Make a decision today to form a habit of personal improvement and focus all energy on how to get into the top 10% of professionals in your sphere. And once you start doing this, the future will be wild open to you. Nobody will be able to stop you.
Growth orientation
Another crucial habit is to reflect and act; successful people also develop it in themselves. This is the road you should travel in order to form an important skill to be an optimist, a commitment to continuous progress and excellence.
Focusing on growth helps to develop the habit of continuous learning, professional and personal improvement. Just as you do morning exercises to stay healthy and fit, you need to train your mind every day to become better and better in your chosen field.
Important conditions for professional growth and successful career:
- lifelong learning;
- personal development;
- hard work.