Imagine that 10 years passed. Describe in details how you live, how you spend your time, what you are doing. The more detailed will be the story, the easier it will be to act on the stage of setting goals.
There is one important condition: tell stories in detail, everything should be taken into account.
1. In the area of work / business.
1) What are you doing?
2) What is your income?
3) What is your level of responsibility?
4) How many subordinates do you have?
5) How much time a day do you work?
6) How many sources of income do you have?
7) What are these sources?
2. Family.
1) What kind of lifestyle do you provide for your family?
2) What kind of relationship is prevalent in your family?
3) What country do you live in?
4) What kind of house or apartment do you live in?
5) How do you spend your leisure time?
6) Where do you have a rest?
7) How much time do you spend with your family?
8) What cars do you have?
3. Social sphere.
1) What kind of friends do you have?
2) What social group do you belong to?
3) How do you benefit society?
4) Which way do you positively impact the world?
Now you can easily identify your goals and priorities from what you have written. Choose the most significant ones. For example, you have a list of 20 goals. Imagine that you can reach only one of them. Which one will you choose? Encircle it. Then find the next goal on the same principle.
Find three most important goals. Focus on their implementation.
Think about your goals as often as possible, imagine that you have reached the planned height. Live in them. Feel comfortable. Do it at least twice a day. You should imagine goals in a positive way. The negative way of thinking is not acceptable, because the subconscious mind will perceive it in a distorted version - the opposite of what you mean. On a subconscious level "not to lose" means "lose", "not to be late" means "to be late." This relates to our consciousness: Psychologists say that it ignores a particle "no".
It can be demonstrated in the behavior of young children. If they are said "do not be naughty," they begin to mischief even more.