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"Russians are developing their thinking"

This most essential thing is wisdom… Praise it higher and it will elevate you in turn.

King Solomon’s proverbs 4:7–8

Don’t wish for less problems; wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom....

Jim Rohn

"Russians are developing their thinking"

In July 2013, I spoke with the Ron Salvador, the student and the member of Robert Kiyosaki’s team (author of the book series "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and others.). Ron told me his unusual history.

He lived in Hawaii and at the time believed that everything goes quite well. According to parent’s advice, Ron tried to be a diligent student to get a decent job in the future. And so it happened: he was able to get a great job in the largest newspaper of the State of Hawaii.Since that time he was able to afford many things, including vacation to any desired location.

But after some time, the company announced that the staff should be ready for dismissal. Then the whole world has turned topsy-turvy for Ron Salvador. He had to reconsider all his ideas about money, finance, and similar things (as he admits, such knowledge was rather scanty). Previously, he was sure that the job at a large company would be enough to guarantee good earnings. But when a stable income was under the threat, the crisis made him realize that there is another way to increase his wealth. Then he started to study the Robert Kiyosaki’s philosophy and changed his views on many things in life. Of course, it took some time.

However, you should be always ready for a change.

During his visit to Russia Robert Kiyosaki told Ron that Russia is moving away from communism, while America is moving toward it, since many Americans are waiting for the government to solve all their problems, provide new jobs and the like. They want the US Government to support them, while many people in Russia already understood that they cannot rely solely on the government. They are interested in capitalism and entrepreneurship. Russians started to change their mind, which currently cannot be said about the Americans.

Now Ron is sure: regardless what is right for a person, we need to continue educating ourselves by acquiring knowledge in addition to what we receive in the general education. We should seek for mentors or people who can be a role model who can teach us on what we want to do most.

Such approach allowed him to reach for more opportunities. Currently, Ron is happy to gain new experience, while continuing to develop.

(The text of whole interview is available here: http://verbnyak.com/intervyu-s-ronom-salvadorompredprinimatelem-i-chlenom-komandyi-robertakiyosaki-
