Переговоры с поставщиками по дефектным поставкам – серьезная проблема многих импортеров.
Поэтому, перед началом производства и оплаты депозита поставщику, рекомендуется подписать соглашение о производстве, в котором будут указаны ваши приемлемые требования к качеству продукции и установлен ход действий при обнаружении дефектной продукции.
Ниже приведен образец шаблона положений об инспекции, который подготовила наша команда инспекционной компании V-Trust (www.v-trust.com) для вашей справки.
- Inspection arrangement. The Buyer reserves the right to send his representative or third-party inspection company to the Supplier's factory / warehouse for an inspection of the goods during the production or before shipment.
- Inspection standard. The representative of the Buyer selects the sample size randomly from the produced goods and conducts an inspection based on AQL Level II, Major 2.5 Minor 4.0 to determine whether the products Pass or Fail.
- Inspection criteria. Conformity of the product quality, criteria, tolerances, and other technical details are defined in the appendices to the present contract. During the product inspection, the quality of the goods should conform to the confirmed samples by both Parties as well as to the technical specifications and drawings in appendices to the present contract.
- Failed Inspection. In case the inspection is Failed, the Supplier is requested to sort out the batch in order to rework or replace defective products and undergo a re-inspection of goods. In case of failure of on-time delivery to the port due to defective goods, the delivery fees are at the Supplier’s expense.
- Re-inspection. In case of re-inspection, the re-inspection fee is paid in full at the expense of the Supplier.
- Obligation for defectives. If, upon arrival at Buyer’s warehouse, product defects are detected, the defective items should be replaced by the Supplier. Or, a discount should be provided for the next shipment proportional to the unit value of the defective goods and the costs incurred by the Buyer for transportation and customs clearance. The buyer is obligated to show evidence of the defective goods that are received.
- Disposal of defectives. Defective goods detected at the Buyer's warehouse may be returned to the Supplier at the Supplier’s expense or utilized by the Buyer, according to mutual agreement.
Для получения дополнительной информации об управлении цепочками поставок или услугах по контролю качества в Азии, обращайтесь к нам по адресу tatiana@v-trust.com.
С уважением,
Татьяна Трухина
V-Trust Inspection Service
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