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Murtuz Mutaev

Hermitage museum

Hermitage is a museum which is set in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. If you visited this place without a map or a guide, you'd get lost. There are 350 halls and ought to walk them all you have to log 22 km.

Hermitage at night. Saint-Petersburg
Hermitage at night. Saint-Petersburg
There are more than 3 million art works, so you definitely will find your cup of tea.

The size of the museum has smashed all records: there are more than 1000 rooms, 117 ladders, 1885 doors, about 2000 windows


Every art work is unique but there are some artefacts which are called 'the jewels' of collection. For example, you can find there popular mechanical clock 'Peacock'. They still have been working well.

Mechanical clock 'Peacock' in Hermitage
Mechanical clock 'Peacock' in Hermitage
An interesting fact: if you stop near every art exhibit, you spend more than 11 years.

The virtue of the museum is organic exhibits like the most ancient carpet, which is made of whool, tattooes on real human skin.


There is a basement but people can't visit it yet. However, is's been existed over 200 years. The 'citizen' of this 'country' are 50 cats. Visitors of the museum can't face any mice due to this 'cats army'


As we knew before Hermitage has 350 halls and every of them is unique, so there is no book or article which can impart you even shred of this glory which could be seen from your eyes. The main museum of Russia is open for any age or nationality and it's waiting for you!