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Walking around the house she murmured the name of a dog who passed away a week ago. I was looking at her with a big surprise. She never liked the dog and never cared of its existence. And now, she is so into it. It even scared me a little. Nevertheless, I tried to give up on her and went to school. Returning, I saw her still walking and so mad. At night, I even heard her crying in the bed. Now, I know something happened that made her so sad. My attempts to talk to her were useless. She was ignoring my words. Again I went to school.

The next morning our neighbor asked me to tea with her. Why? Am I in something? It was not something she usually asks; actually never does so. When I opened the door there was a toy that reminded me of our dog. I remember how the neighbor used to feed him and speak in a polite way, which she never did to us. Inviting me on a table she put a spoon on my side and asked about a dog. I said it died. She became pale and looked at me as if I killed it. Our conversation ended on a tone of surprise when she demanded me to leave her house. I obeyed because the host rules her house.

It was even odd when I came back home and saw that upset face of tears again.