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Образец эссе "Following fashion trends is a waste of time and money"

Fashion has always played an important role in people’s life. However, some do not think that it is necessary to follow it, whereas others expend many personal resources to keep up with the latest trends.

As for me, I agree with the first statement. To begin with, fashion is very changeable. The expensive garments and accessories that seem to be modern today can easily fall out of fashion tomorrow, and you have to search for new ones and pay again. In addition, life is full of more useful and interesting things you can spend time and money on – education, home improvement, raising children, travelling and charity.

Nevertheless, there are people who hold a different opinion. They are firmly convinced that the time and effort a person spends to look fashionable help to raise their social status, increase their popularity and eventually make decent money as in case of performers or bloggers.

I do not share the opposing point of view. Most jobs, including well-paid positions, do not involve wearing fashionable clothes; on the contrary, they require employees to conform to a particular – usually strict – dress code, professional skills being undoubtedly in the first place.

In conclusion, I would like to say again that the outer beauty of fashion is fleeting; it should not outweigh more significant life activities. Therefore, following fashion trends can be regarded as a waste of time and money.

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