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为了全球变暖! За глобальное потепление! For global warming!

Manifesto. People of all countries unite for global warming!

Ask yourself what is the opposite of global warming? That's right, global cooling. Do you want winter 9 months a year, cold below -50? Cold summer or no summer at all?

Not? Join the resistance movement for global warming!

It does not matter that the data on global warming were faked by scammers from England, it does not matter that the weather is influenced by reasons of a cosmic nature, it does not matter what is happening now in the climate of planet Earth, we must move in the direction of global warming, since we have no choice.

Drive everyone who offers to cool the planet. Cold is death for humanity. At the same time, an increase in temperature stimulates growth. Plant growth, which means there is food for animals. Plant growth, which means there is a basis for the nutrition of mankind. Plant growth, which means there is a basis for the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen, which means there will be something for a person to breathe.

Consider what the opponents of global warming are offering, less plants, less animals, less food.

Global warming does not just melt useless ice, air humidity increases, since excess water evaporates, and does not flood the earth, and falls in the form of precipitation, somewhere in the form of snow it accumulates until spring, feeding the plants, but mainly in the form of rain, reviving the steppes and deserts, planet Earth will turn into a blooming garden.

Even an increase in the average temperature on the planet Earth by 10 degrees is just a warm winter and a slightly humid summer, nothing more.

The hydrocarbon economy is considered the main condition for global warming, supposedly it is hydrocarbons that somehow influence, but everything is much more complicated.

For the hydrocarbon economy!