7Osh Osh You haven't been here yet. How? We've never been there. It's time to get acquainted with the work that I and many people liked. Olia. Exquisite chanson.
Penetrating into our source, the heart washes away unnecessary past and present sorrows, fear Fly like a bird on a new day. Every day is a gift from Jesus Christ!!!!
Meet me. Olya, healing the heart. The light of God's love shines through Olya's songs, filling the wounds and emptiness
. Taste the light of the purity and love of Jesus. Meet me. Olya, healing the heart. Video clip " Light of Love."
The radiant light penetrating will remove the eclipse forever. Let God remember you, and you won't need anything else. Today you will leave the bag that you carried with you, apparently you will be released from all unnecessary things