Hello there!
So, my name is Oliver. Thats not my bad, just a course. And here is me: just look at this picture
Deed you see? I'm a cat, and i'm a british - with honor and proud. But me - is meau. Sorry for my bad french. I've been the one of lot, but...
Now I'm here. Here, but where?
At first sight it's just a flat. Not a castle.
"Засранец! Ну сколько можно гадить на пол - лоток же твой тебя ждёт!"
I don't think about this words, but my new mom scream on me.
Scared, sad and bored I'm scratch to the "диван". Someone tell me was is das "лоток"?
And then, I'm tell to my mom and that told man, who bring me "сосиска", "I meou me mow!" but they don't understand me.
I'm sad but thrue.
Several days is gone to my own, and I'm вроде дочухал, чо с меня хотят. At first - круглого пуза. Yea, I'm wannabe a big serious cat. And me - is meow!
At second - "горшок". Ну, это мы just look at.
Thidly - me is meow! И вообще, I'm the king of the "подоконник"! Cacti are evicted in the trash! I made this!
Да, и если чо: I'm watching over your all...
Bye, my subscribers. At or tomorrow, at least. Not else.