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Геннадий Антонов

Total automation the Tesys T operations. Assembler and disassembler Tesys T logic.

What the matter giving writing own logic compiler for relay Tesys T?

Definitely, this is the boosting operating speed, but most important of all — possibilities of automation.

The automation I call this term the possibility to take most part of the work, perhaps everything, without human.

This is not to say that human himself no need, this is to say that human takes more energy for another type of work — creative, where is human’s brain more appropriate and designed for that.

I honestly believe that.

It was writing an alternative SoMove software for work with relay Tesys T, which can:

- automate all upload/download operations almost without human

- unload full list of parameters in text mode

- recognize device by their IP address or serial number

- download logic from device to text file

- upload logic to device from text file

- download logic from device, automatically to edit logic, upload logic to device

- to save backup old logic

- software can work under Android, Linux

Now let’s have a look every point.

Operations automation.

Engineer have to set up file settings, where he can define:

- download or not logic from device, as far as downloading logic implying the standstill currently running position“s

- edit and upload or not edited logic to device

- define necessary editions which it has to implement

configuration file of software for work with Tesys T. Where can define necessity download/upload logic etc.
configuration file of software for work with Tesys T. Where can define necessity download/upload logic etc.

Unload all parameters in text mode.

SoMove able to unload parameters however:

- unload it in own data format

- do it so slow

- there is the possibilities to export text file, but only less than 50% from all parameters

- there is no any automation

This software ALL parameter finalizes in 7 seconds. It is also included time for preparation and saving text file with parameters under particular name.

When we having unload all parameters, including measurement values (for example current, voltage, temperature), in text mode, this gives tremendous prospects for analysis and Bigdata.

This is essential when we have many devices and it is need to take diversified information of bulk devices.

Unloaded settings, opened in Notepad++
Unloaded settings, opened in Notepad++
Unloaded settings, opened in Excel
Unloaded settings, opened in Excel

Recognizing device.

It is possible preliminary define list of IP addresses all necessary devices, put it together in the text table, where IP addresses will be linked to:

- name of substation

- name of switchgear

- bus bar“s name

- name of cubical or position process name

The text table, where IP address, substation -TEST, bus bar, cubicle and name
The text table, where IP address, substation -TEST, bus bar, cubicle and name

The software meanwhile:

- load data from table

- read IP address from device

- compare that IP address with the table

- if IP address found, then create several included each other folders and text file, where the path is all necessary names

- if address it did not find, then it saving file under IP address name in the root of folder

In such case next devices will be to save to once created folders, for example devices from one switchgear, will be put to folder with the same name etc.

Interleaved folders and files which path is name of substations, switchgear, bus, cubicle and position.
Interleaved folders and files which path is name of substations, switchgear, bus, cubicle and position.

Download and upload logic from Tesys T to text/ from text.

Same things able to do by SoMove, but there is:

- do it so slow

- there is no automation features — everything doing manually

To the point so that realize that tasks I had to write compiler (assembler) — for upload logic from text file to Tesys T, and disassembler — for download logic from devices Tesys T and save it to text file.

The sample of logic on STL language for Tesys T, unloaded by my software
The sample of logic on STL language for Tesys T, unloaded by my software

Automatically edition logic and load back to device , it gives appalling possibilities when is manual engineer’s labor reduced to nothing, that very important when it is need to process bulk devices.

To save old backup, I just thought that it possibilities will be helpful.

File with bak extensions — this is old logic, where was string reg underlined. This is no in the new logic, which was uploaded to device, as it was defined in the config.csv, see to first screenshot.
File with bak extensions — this is old logic, where was string reg underlined. This is no in the new logic, which was uploaded to device, as it was defined in the config.csv, see to first screenshot.

In the industrial software almost did not realized — cross-platformers.

Superfluous software working only under Windows OS. Of course, some of the devices support web interface, however possibilities there is limited.

And try to realize now that you no need any more carry bag with laptop, and all operations software make itself and from mobile device? Or from Android pad?

This is exactly realized in this development.

Data exchange, in this case realized via Wi-Fi mobile phone and converter gateway Wi-Fi — RS485

Wi-Fi - RS485 gateway. It is need to DC power supply, which I make by two elements 18650. Gray cable with RG45 it is put to service port of Tesys T.
Wi-Fi - RS485 gateway. It is need to DC power supply, which I make by two elements 18650. Gray cable with RG45 it is put to service port of Tesys T.

How is looking typical case.

Engineer have to use laptop or mobile phone, which it has running software, just put cable to service port, onward all actions software will do itself. Depending on configuration file, it can be:

- download all parameters

- unload logic

- implement editions to logic and upload back to device

For engineer it is need to just observe to screen and move from one device to another one.

The unload parameters are done, IP address defined and found in data table. It is created folder structure and data file.
The unload parameters are done, IP address defined and found in data table. It is created folder structure and data file.
Logic is unloaded from device. Start edition and upload logic to device Tesys T.
Logic is unloaded from device. Start edition and upload logic to device Tesys T.
New logic successfully uploaded to Tesys T.
New logic successfully uploaded to Tesys T.

And, yes, I forgot to say, that if we defined to edit and upload logic, that software remembers processed device, and if occasionally engineer put cable again to same device, it will be determined and prevented one more time again, as fat as this is toxic break logic STL construct. Because of automation edition I realized by search and replace, and it could be happening that logic strings could be duplicated, or otherwise it could be removed something excessive, during such doubled operations. Therefore, I had to implement that interlock.

It is happened interlock, when we repeatedly put cable to already processed device Tesys T.
It is happened interlock, when we repeatedly put cable to already processed device Tesys T.

If you show me some interest, reader, to this subject, then I will come along prepare video with demonstration working software.