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Lingua Belle

Удивительные факты о космосе

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3,2,1 - Blast off!!!🚀

1. In 1991, there were 60,000 jellyfish orbiting Earth
2. There's a class of stars that are just 25ºC
3. The Great Wall of China is the only human-made object you can see from space
4. All of the other planets in the solar system could fit between Earth and the moon
5. The sun makes up 99.8% of the mass of the solar system
6. Instead of spending money creating a pen that would work in space, the Russians just use pencils
7. All of the planets in Solar system can be seen with the naked eye
8. Snow on Mars is square
9. The hottest planet in our solar system is Mars
10. There Are Tire Tracks on the Moon

🤔Непросто, да? Но очень интересно!

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True! On June 5 1991, the crew of Space Shuttle Columbia lifted off with almost 2 500 baby jellyfish in their stead as part of a life sciences experiment. By the end of the mission, nine days later, there were 60,000 jellies.






But since the 1960s, both American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts have used a space pen developed by the Fisher Pen Company.



Most of the atmosphere around Mars is made of carbon dioxide gas. In cold Martian winters, this freezes and turns into clouds of tiny almost cube-shaped crystals. These crystals, called dry ice, can fall like snow.


Ну что? Многое удивило? Или проще простого?