For all of us the main teacher is our own soul, which knows why a person has come to the Earth in this incarnation, what lessons she has to comprehend. A soul does not lose the relation with the higher world, and so it will become the most wise adviser, your Inner Master, when you are having the hard time, when your strength is scarce, when a tough decision is to be made.
It is paradoxically enough, this Master of yours is tightly binded with you in every moment of your life, he ever readily helps, because he wishes you good and light as no one else. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to hear your Master: the hints of intuition are dumped by the voices of hesitation, fears, and pride.
Well, here is one of our main lessons, to learn yourself to listen to your inner Master, to trust in him, i.e. to trust in yourself and in your soul more than in any of this world’s authorities. In order to do so, first of all, one needs to refuse from the acquired experience, from the accustomed reactions, from all the layers of reality. One needs to go beyond this sum of knowledge collected within this lifetime, and join the eternal experience of a soul.
I want to teach you the special mystical practice, during which you will be able to meet your Master. Chose a time for meditation. Harmonize, and put yourself into a trans.
You are walking through a dessert. It is formless and huge. Sand-dunes are growing one after another up to the horizon line. The sun is bright. Your legs are being tied up with sand. The endless, uniform world is all around you. At last, you see a tree ahead, you are heading to it, speeding up, because you feel, it is related to you, it is your reflection, your incarnation in a desert world. Immovable air shivers, it is getting windy from the Livonian East. This wind blows a foliage out; every leaf is one of your memories. These memories are about your success and your mistakes, your victories and your defeats, your love and your hate – all of them are whirling around you and flying away, melting. With every new moment you are feeling better, you feel your burden melting off your shoulders. When the last leaf falls down, you suddenly see a person sitting under the tree. Look at this person carefully. Look at her clothes, her hands, her face. Do not hurry, it is important to RECOGNIZE and to REMEMBER.
Now, you may come closer. Your self is clear, free from the ripples of thoughts and emotions. You are sitting down next to her, leaning against the tree, there comes silence, you have never heard in the world. The dessert starts to blossom before your eyes. It is graciously raining, grass sprouts, the trees appears, and springs begin to splatter, turning into the wide rivers.
Remain in this state. After some time the Master will take your hand and walk you into a hyaloid hall.
The hall is oblong, its walls are covered with mirrors. Go, looking at your reflections. They change, different people look at you through the looking glass. Every each of them is you, it is endless series of your selves. At the end of a hall you see the door. I cannot advise you on whether you should open it. It is up to you. All I can say is that early or late, when a time comes, you will throw it open and step over a threshold. Yet if you do not feel like touching it now, go back from your mystical trip. All you need to do is to
touch the third-eye area, Adzhna chakra, the center between the eyebrows with an annular of your right hand.
You may repeat this practice from time to time. It is necessarily to record your impressions, emotions, and thoughts, creating your own teaching. Because your main master is that one, who lives inside you, behind the apples of your eyes.
With love and trust in live.
Andrey Yavnyy