One of my students has her own networking company. She is a professional leader, she has built a team more than once, but she was not a businessman. When she started the company, she decided to show super generosity in order to get people interested. She removed all barriers. For example, monthly activation, entry threshold. The goods were given out freely, you could take as much as you want. As a result, you cannot imagine what problems she found herself in when she launched the car program. It was profitable for people to come and buy three seats for only 300 thousand tenge, that's about a thousand dollars, and getting a car for $ 15,000.
She thought that this way people would work more efficiently and quickly build teams. As a result, having given out more than 45 cars, she found herself in a very difficult situation. But there were also bonuses. If we had not met, she would have been getting out of debt for a very long time. After individual training, which lasted for about a year, we gradually began to rectify the situation, but this was done with great difficulty. She thought she was doing good. Therefore, remember: “BY GOOD INTENTIONS THE ROAD TO HELL IS PAID”. When you come to network marketing, you must understand that this is a business. People who do not have a business mindset, do not have business experience often come here. We must learn to define the line that separates the statuses of business and charity. Your friend can become a friend at a wedding, but if you invite her into business, she will be your partner and she will have to think and act like a businessman. You are probably familiar with situations where relatives create a common business and eventually disperse as enemies. The same thing happens when classmates or childhood friends do business. Why is this happening? Consider the example of two classmates, Arman and Ulan. Until today, they have had close friendships. But if Ulan invites Arman to the business, they start a new phase. This is already a business relationship. Since in network marketing you invite relatives, friends and acquaintances to your team, first of all, you are the same problem awaits: people do not see the difference between friendship and business partnership. And when people do not want to notice the obvious facts, they have difficulties. Let me explain with another example: my older brother runs my business. Since I am the owner of this business, I must demand that my brother fulfill his immediate duties. But when I demand a report from him, he immediately "jumps" into family relations, because it is beneficial to him. I ask about the money, and he is indignant, says to me: "Do you think that I spent it?" And I feel uncomfortable. And when payday comes, my brother jumps into a business relationship and says to me, “You know how much I work. When will you pay me the bonuses? " I’ve noticed that when people don’t see the difference between friendships, family relationships, and business relationships, friction begins and problems arise. Often people unconsciously choose the position that suits them. This is human nature. In the network business, about 80% of people come through “warm” contacts. Few people use "cold" ones, except when they come to a new city and work with strangers. Lack of business thinking leads to suffering. Next example. Let's say I've been working with a client for a while. I talked, brought at the presentation, but he never showed interest. In a few months I come to the office and see this guy, but with a girl who works in our company. I go up to her and say: “This is my client, I have been working with him for a long time,” but she disagrees, claiming that it was she who persuaded him and brought him to the office. I go to the sponsor, resentfully tell my story, say that this man is my old friend, I complain about that girl ... But remember a game like football: a player runs almost the entire field with the ball, but another player intercepts the ball at the very gate. It is stupid to be indignant here, this is a game, here such situations arise all the time. It is the same in business: you can work with a client for several months or even years, but then someone intercepts him right in front of your nose. This is in the order of things. Don't be offended. This is a business. There is no place for emotions, a cold mind, a clear strategy, detailed planning and action reign here. Professionalism comes first in the rating of qualities necessary for success. Another issue is disagreement with the sponsor. The company has to agree and change the sponsor, but the bonuses in this case usually remain with the previous one. Sometimes the lack of mutual understanding leads to the fact that a person goes into another structure. This is also due to a lack of business thinking. It happens that people work with each other for a while, and then they understand that they can no longer do this. I believe that it would be better to prohibit changing the sponsor or moving to another structure. We don’t change parents, we don’t say: “I don’t like my mother, I want to change her to another one”. So it is here. This person brought you into the network business, so you should be grateful to him. You can surpass your sponsor and rise to a higher level, no one forbids this. But you simply have to respect him. There are moral values that cannot be ignored. You cannot violate moral principles, this creates insoluble problems. We must clearly understand that my sponsor is my mentor, the person who gave me a chance. You should value him and show him the same respect you feel for your parents. Only then will some kind of culture, moral purity appear in this business, and you will not be tormented by remorse. The only person who doesn't envy you is the sponsor. The more you earn, the more he earns. He cares and protects you and his income. But to understand this, you need a business mindset. Creating friction in a relationship by requiring a change of sponsor is a lack of wisdom, understanding and knowledge.
To achieve results, you must build the most trusting, friendly relationship with your sponsor. You know that network marketing is a relationship business. This means that if there is no relationship, there will be no opportunity to work in this business. The fourth problem that arises from a lack of business thinking is when distributors think that leaders are making money from them. Subconsciously, almost all networkers think so, they say, we do the turnover, we work, so they have money there. Usually this is said by people who themselves do not know how to earn. They have a lot of complaints about sponsors, companies, and products. Such people always have many complaints. Instead of learning how to sell, build a team, talk to people, they blame everyone. The company is accused of not creating comfortable conditions, the leaders are accused of not helping, the products are accused of low quality ... If a person is purposefully looking for the bad, he will always find the bad. there are problems in any company. But those who know how to make money have no complaints. They work quietly and achieve good results.
So, again, the fourth problem is distributors think leaders are making money off of them. But this is not the case. Leaders make money from the system they have created. This means that leaders are paid for their work in creating the system. If the distributor leaves the company, the leader will not stop working. If half of the team leaves, the leader will simply create a new team and work again. If there were a general, there would be an army. In our case, we can say: "If there is a leader, there will be a team." I am convinced of this because I experienced it. The team left me twice when I became bankrupt. In successful times, I was surrounded by a crowd of people willing to cooperate. In difficult times, only 17 people remained. And these people are still with me. The system that he has built works for the leader. It is important to understand this, and not to be offended, because offense is unproductive and does not bring results. Another problem arises from a lack of business thinking: friction and disagreement over events. A person does not understand that events are fuel for his business. If you bought a car, you need to fill up with fuel to start driving. It's the same here: you subscribed, bought products, but this is not enough. You must participate in activities to achieve a positive outcome. If a you will ignore them, you will not achieve anything, which means you will not prosper. Maybe you want to participate in activities, but they cost money, so you refuse? This is familiar: people do not want to invest in their business, they cannot understand that this is necessary in order for it to start feeding you. I repeat: the events of your business company. Only by participating in them can you move this fuel forward. We have already said that if you give a product for sale, you will never return the money for it in full, some part will be necessarily lost. Business and charity should be separated, they are two different things. In business, you strive to make a profit, and only after making a profit, you can spend some of it on charity. You cannot spend capital for these purposes, because it is the source of your income. You are not working for a charitable company, so you need to separate business from charity. Otherwise, everything will end in bankruptcy and debt.
The reason for the above problems is the lack of business thinking among entrepreneurs. I see how often networkers defend the interests of distributors. But first of all, you must protect the interests of your company. If the company is rich, it will be easy for you to work in it. If the company goes bankrupt, you go bankrupt too. Therefore, you must always defend power. Always put the interests of the company ahead of the interests of the distributors. If the distributor is dissatisfied with something, let him leave, because such people negatively affect the whole team. Another will come in his place. Always think about the best interests of the company. If the company is successful, you will be successful too. In this Sense, your interests coincide. Imagine that you work for Microsoft and sell shares in it. Of course, it would be easy for you to work, because it would be enough to say how many times the price of shares increased, and they would be bought without hesitation. A successful company easily attracts new customers. When a company has a lot of money, it organizes promotions, promotions, gives out gifts, creates favorable conditions for distributors, increases bonuses, etc. In this case, you can earn more, you will have the opportunity to significantly increase your income.
Always protect the interests of the company. I often meet people in the networking field who, at the beginning of their career, say, "I do everything for people." Do, no one forbids you. But people can leave and not even say "thank you", and your company will stay with you. I do not mean that you should not seek recognition and respect from people, no. But for this you need to acquire business thinking skills. Then you will understand that people will appreciate and respect you only if you can make your structure rich and successful, if you create more opportunities for increasing income and become wealthy. And if you ruin the company by distributing goods for sale and making mistakes, you will definitely not be treated well. I know this from my own experience. PARABLE "FIVE LESSONS" A very wealthy businessman lived in one country. His fortune numbered in the millions, and people began to wonder about the secret of his success, but he kept it a secret. And then one day a well-known journalist persuaded a businessman to give a short interview. At the appointed time, he came to his office and over a cup of tea began a conversation: your rating will grow millions of times and the prices of your shares will rise if you can tell about your secrets of success, at least briefly. Yes, it’s probably about time. I thought for a long time about how to share this without giving away all the secrets. Looks like I'm ready to open some secrets. So, everything that I have learned is in nature. There are five lessons you can see in nature and apply in your life to become happy. The first lesson of success we can learn from the woodpecker. It is called "LESSON OF REALISTIC FOCUSING". The woodpecker is wiser than us in many ways. Yes, he bangs his head against a tree, but he does it very successfully. He's realistic - he doesn't try to smash a tree in half with one punch, as many of us want to do, and he is focused - he doesn't knock on the tree from all sides. He purposefully hits the same point, slowly moving towards the goal. A lazy person does not need a worm, but something more immediately, and he wants to find it not in a dense tree, but under leaves on the ground or right under his feet. The second lesson in success can be learned from fish. It is called "FLOW LESSON". The fish always swims against the current, and contrary to popular belief, this is correct. She does this not in order to complicate her life, but in order to let more water pass her by. So more food and oxygen floats past her in the stream of water and her life becomes several times richer. But we, unlike fish, always try to go with the flow, and as a result, instead of forty years of life experience, we gain life experience of one year forty times. We do not want to leave our comfort zone and then we wonder why there were so few opportunities in life. We want to win the lottery of life without even buying a lottery ticket. A third lesson in achieving success can be learned from little lion cubs. This success lesson is called "TREAT THE MUD." Lion cubs know how to learn. They learn from older, more experienced lions. They learn not from textbooks and conversations, but in practice. Lion cubs need to get their muzzles dirty to learn how to fight. We are afraid to even get our hands dirty. We sit down at our desks and look at the dressed-up "hare" standing at the blackboard, who teaches us to achieve something. Or even worse: we close at home and study on our own. And when the time comes to achieve something, we not only do not know how to do anything, but do not even want to try. The fourth lesson in success we can learn from the dog. It is social and is called TAIL FIRST. In the 21st century, it is no longer important what you do, but it is important what you motivate other people to do. The dog does not think: "First you bring me home, feed and wash, and then I will wag my tail." The dog is the first to give its energy and only then gets what it needs in return. At the same time, she does not force you to give her anything, she makes it so that you yourself want to do it. The fifth lesson in success is taught by the snake. The lesson is called "NO NEED TO BEEN". She doesn’t think: “I have no arms or legs, I have poor eyesight, I was born in the wrong country, nobody loves me, my parents didn’t care about me from the moment I hatched.” The snake gets by with what it has, but even we are afraid of this "disabled animal." And when the time comes, she just changes her skin and crawls on without regrets about the past. If you decide to become a professional in network marketing, first of all, acquire the necessary knowledge by subscribing to Instagram for free martynova0709.