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CHAPTER 2 THE AGE OF NETWORK MARKETING “You shouldn't envelop the world in a net without putting your soul into it.

Technology is nothing without love. " Let's start by defining the concept of "network marketing". We need to clearly understand its essence and purpose. Based on our experience with companies, we came to a conclusion that explains why not all people make money in this business. A lot of people come here for quick money. They even try to do something, but in the end they leave because they cannot earn money. But why don't they make money? The reason is that they did not understand this business, they simply did not understand what It is. Do you think everyone can be a surgeon, pilot, Olympic champion? Network Marketing is is also a profession that requires special skills, abilities and a special temperament. This line of business should be taken as seriously as other specialties, acquire the necessary knowledge, gain experience. Many people study at universities for 5-7 years and then work all their lives for the minimum wage. Their earnings are only enough for survival. These people come to network marketing to become millionaires in six months. Most people have in their subconscious the opinion that easy money can be found here. But this is not the case. The first months they have an expectation of a quick result, and then, if something does not work out, they decide that they have been deceived, take offense at sponsors, at the company. So let's define what network marketing is. At trainings, they usually give the following answer options:. This is to help another person. ... It is about finding and training leaders. ... This is a big goal. ... This is a teamwork method. ... This is our own business. ... This is unlimited income. ... It is stability and action. All this is true, but please note: if I ask you to name the main components of the machine, they will answer me:

“It's the steering wheel, the wheels, the mirror, the hood, the engine, the seat,” and so on. It's the same here: all of the above in marketing. These are the building blocks of network marketing. Let's try to combine all the disparate definitions. I have been working as a business trainer for 18 years and have trained employees of more than 50 chain companies with completely different sales profiles. Here's my takeaway: Network Marketing is a ministry. Whoever builds the correct and solid foundation for his activities in this direction will succeed, because all actions, all skills, all that you learn, it is intended to serve others. If you put the first brick in the base of the wall crooked, sooner or later it will collapse. It is the same here: if you misidentified intentions, set goals incorrectly, if your actions do not correspond to the principles of building a business, in the end everything will collapse. The roof of the house falls on the head of the one who builds a weak foundation. For clarity, we will try to create a portrait of network marketing.

For example, you buy toothpaste or shampoo at a store. In this case, you have no contact with the manufacturer. You like the product, you use it, but you don't communicate with those who create it. The essence of network marketing, its mission is to get to know people through products and positively influence their lives. You've probably noticed that many people, entering network marketing, begin to read more books, become more erudite, intellectually developed, begin to speak in public, although they were afraid to even think about it before. Someone became free, without hesitation, to talk with strangers, someone learned to sell, overcoming complexes. Previously, these people were uncomfortable, ashamed to ask for money for their work - now it has become the norm. Many people remain poor just because they don't know how to sell. Selling does not matter what: your services or products. Not because they do not know how to work as professionals in their field, they have a psychological barrier in their heads, which they cannot be, but because they are ashamed. can overcome on their own. So: network marketing removes this barrier. For example, if you find it difficult to talk to strangers on the phone or face to face, in network marketing it will have to be done anyway, and you will gradually learn. In other words, network marketing changes people for the better. Someone will achieve a tangible result, someone will not be able to do this, but the fact is that in any case you will change. You will be able to develop your abilities, learn to speak in front of an audience, communicate freely with people without hesitation, maybe you will become a leader and ultimately a winner. The essence of network marketing is to support people and help them achieve meaningful results. Many people do not understand this business, and when a person does not understand something, he simply ignores it. Network marketing is the place where you can help many people live better lives. For example, if a person has his own large store, then only 15-20 employees know him. He sits in his office, communicates only with them and does not see anyone else. And in network marketing, your positive story alone can inspire thousands of people. One of your wise thoughts will reach millions. This is an unusual business.

People who have earned in other places from $ 300 to 1000 come into network marketing. Someone who has an income of $ 10,000. will not come to this business. 90% of people working in network marketing are middle class. This is the most numerous stratum of the population, the people who need to be supported. They dream of prosperity, want to build a house, educate their children, and plan to travel around the world. But often they simply do not have the ability to achieve this. If they had a start-up capital, for example, $ 200,000, they would have built their own business and were able to receive high incomes. But even with low capital, these people have access to a good life. This is the other side of network marketing, a different point of view on this business: even with a small income of $ 200-300 people get the opportunity to realize their dreams. Therefore, network marketing offers promotions, promotions, travels, cars, apartments, yachts, money, even airplanes, something that a person needs for a good life. Any established network company conducts such events. All this is done in order to give a person a chance. Therefore, please work hard, use our system, use our products to achieve a positive result, and you will succeed. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, you don’t need to look for some new effective methods of solving the problems. Just take a ready-made algorithm, take three detailed steps and you will succeed.

Take just the three steps described in this book - and the result will surely be. This is the secret of network marketing: there are specific, detailed steps that must be taken to make the dream come true. We have already said that network marketing is a ministry. The one who understands this and sets himself the goal of serving, who helps to achieve success, finds those in need of such an opportunity, will surely get rich. In network marketing, you can't just aim for money. In this case, you will not achieve anything, because no one wants to make money on it. Nobody wants to be used for their own selfish purposes. But people love those who help them make the right decisions. The modern world is changing rapidly, therefore it requires a new level of knowledge, a new level of skill. The simplest example: how many times has your cell phone changed in the last ten years? At least three times, and many more. But we do business the same as before, we use the same methods as before. It is because of this that things do not go as you planned. People change, the market changes, and people's perceptions change too. Companies are emerging with new marketing approaches, including hybrid ones, which are more profitable and attractive. Classic Network Marketing Surviveо gets harder every day. Therefore, a huge role is played by how well a person understands this business and how flexible he is to the changes that are taking place in the world. There are pluses and minuses in this process, there are good and bad. We will tell you about both sides of the coin so that you have a real idea of ​​this business. DON'T FORGET: IF A PERSON UNDERSTANDS NETWORK MARKETING WELL, HE WILL MAKE IT ALL, HE WILL EARN WELL. MANY PEOPLE DO NOT GET THIS ONLY BECAUSE THEY CANNOT UNDERSTAND IT. PARABLE ABOUT THE BRANCH One nobleman was fond of falconry. One day the huntsman brought a tiny and barely alive falcon chick from the forest. The duke himself raised the baby and gave it to the hunter for training. The chick has grown and turned into a strong and beautiful bird. But no one has ever seen him in the sky - he spent all his days on a tree branch, which he fell on as a tiny chick. The Duke loved, standing on the balcony, watching the training of his hunting birds. The Hunter knew his business perfectly, and well-trained eagles and kites soared in the sky. But the Duke's favorite falcon still did not leave its place. The disgruntled nobleman sent messengers to all corners of his domain with orders to find a man who would teach the falcon to fly. One morning, the duke went out onto the balcony and saw his favorite in the sky above the castle. He was very happy and ordered immediately bring to him the person who performed this miracle. A few minutes later a simple peasant entered the chambers. A surprised nobleman turned to him with a question: How did you manage to make him fly? It was not difficult, Your Grace, - the peasant replied - I just cut down the branch on which the falcon was sitting. Having lost his usual place, he remembered that he had wings, and took off. First of all, acquire the necessary knowledge by subscribing to Instagram for free martynova0709.