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Lingua Belle

Говорим с детьми о звёздах на английском

Тема космоса обширная, но для многих очень сложная. А для детей ещё и очень-очень далёкая. Но мы нашли много интересного и предлагаем вам обсудить с детьми факты о звёздах. #linguabelle_science

3, 2, 1, blastoff 🚀

🪐The Universe is so big we don’t even know how big it really is.


⭐Stars are formed when gravity pulls gas and dust together.


✨Despite what you may hear in poems and songs, you can’t see a million stars. They’re simply not close and bright enough.


💫People combined well visible stars into constellations, of which there are 88 in the sky. When viewed from the Ground, the observer seems that they are located next to each other.


🌚Stars are black bodies. A black body is an object that absorbs 100% of all electromagnetic radiation (light, radio waves and so on) that falls on it. But a star also radiates back into space much more than it absorbs.

🎠Living in the Universe is like being on a fairground ride that never stops. When you stand still, it doesn’t feel as if you’re moving. But in fact, the planet under your feet is hurtling🌪 through space at great speeds.

🌟Of the brightest 50 stars visible to the human eye from Earth, the least bright is Alpha Centauri, which is still more than 1.5 times more luminous than our sun, and can’t be easily seen.


⭐Despite the fact we all heared the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, stars don't twinkle. As the light from a star passes through the atmosphere, it must pass through many layers of different density. The light eventually gets to your eyes, but every deflection causes it to change slightly in color and intensity. The result is twinkling.


🔥Blue Stars Are the Hottest Stars. We commonly associate the color 🔴 with heat, and the color 🔵 with cold. However, this isn’t true for stars. Stars, like other heated objects, change from 🔴 to ⚪, and then to 🔵 as their temperature increases.


⏳Looking at Stars Is Looking Back in Time. When you look at a star, you are seeing what it looked like thousands upon thousands of years ago.
