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Муз-Хит.1902 год.

Ragtime Piano : SCOTT JOPLIN . " The Entertainer " (1902)

Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home? - Arthur Collins (1902)

Muslim Magomaev - Torna a Surriento. Вернись в Сорренто

ert Williams and George Walker - Good Morning Carrie (1902)

Bert Williams - When It's All Going Out And Nothing Coming In (1902)

Di Shvue (song of the Jewish Bund)

J.W.Myers - On A Sunday Afternoon 1902

Len Spencer - Arkansas Traveler 1902

Arthur Collins & Byron G. Harlan-Down where the Wurzburger flows (Edison 8238, 1902)

Harry Macdonough - The Mansion of Aching Hearts (1902)

Arthur Collins sings "Under The Bamboo Tree" on Edison Gold Moulded Record

In the Good Old Summer Time - Haydn Quartet

"My Wild Irish Rose" George J. Gaskin on Columbia Phonograph Company brown wax cylinder

Mister Dooley (1902)

African American Band Music ǀ Tell me dusky maiden

African American Band Music ǀ Oh didn't he ramble

Hayden Quartet - In The Sweet Bye and Bye

Harry Macdonough - Pretty Mollie Shannon (1902)

Bert Williams & George Walker I Don't Like That Face You Wear

Shepherd's Dance (Violin) by Charles D'Almaine

Jules Levy Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Nancy Brown- Harry Macdonough- 1902

William Redmond - In the Good Old Summer Time (1902)

Harry Macdonough "My Beautiful Irish Maid" Edison Gold Moulded Record 1530 (1902)

Pol PLANCON ~ Les Rameaux (J.-B.Faure) ~ 1902

Edison Concert Band "Creole Belles" cylinder from 1902--early RAGTIME! J. Bodewalt Lampe

Silas Leachman - The Fortune Telling Man

Harry MacDonough - My Carolina Lady (1902)

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