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Образец эссе "Every city and every town should have a zoo" (Version 1)

Nowadays, zoological gardens are a very popular attraction. Therefore, some people claim that it would be desirable to have a zoo in every town and city, whereas others find this idea inappropriate.

As for me, I agree with the first opinion. To begin with, zoos can be regarded as educational institutions where urban dwellers can learn about the Earth’s diverse fauna. For example, zoos are often used as a facility for effective out-of-school learning because watching animals live is more informative than seeing them in books. What is more, visiting a zoo helps people to relieve stress and prevent isolation typical to urban life: they socialize and enjoy themselves while taking part in various activities.

However, there are people who think differently. Firstly, they are sure that urban conditions such as pollution of all kinds, lack of space and greenery are not favourable for animals’ health. Secondly, they consider zoos to be a financial burden on municipal budgets; shortage of money may affect the local population’s welfare and result in improper care for animals.

I cannot share the opposing position. Today, zoological gardens try to replicate the natural habitats of the animals they keep. They also help endangered species to survive. Additionally, zoos are mostly self-sustaining organizations: their funds come from admission fees, donations and grants.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there should be a zoo in every town and city because such a facility is beneficial to urban inhabitants due to its educational and entertaining functions.

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