To experience the mystical, a kind of "Divine Nectar" must be released in the pineal gland. In spiritually enlightened people, this nectar is produced by itself, bringing them into a state of euphoria from life. Eyes light up with shine, a huge amount of energy arrives in the body, consciousness reaches higher levels, and a person begins to LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT, where there is no need to do something, to control something, to strive somewhere.
Joy and happiness from what is happening do not leave a person, a sense of the beauty of the world and life is present in everything. A person feels Universal Love and comes into contact with the Universal Mind, more and more understanding the game of God. At this level, understanding comes not in words, but in experiences. You close the eyes and see videos, open the eyes and see signs around you. Understanding comes at the highest levels of consciousness with the speed of light.
During periods of spiritual experiences, the daily routine of a person changes, he begins to sleep and eat less, move more and spend more time in nature. It becomes difficult to concentrate and focus on something specific, a lot of signs and things happen at once and you don't want to miss something. A person is visited by visions and revelations and a new truth of life is revealed to him.
During such periods, magic is felt. Spiritually enlightened people use this time and strength that they have in order to make the world a better place. It can be a prayer for the world and people, setting specific goals for the world that will improve the life of people on Earth, an open conversation with the Universal Mind, which they managed to reach, gratitude to God and all those spirits that help.
A person undergoing such an experience vibrates with tremendous force and radiates tremendous energy. His consciousness is working at full power, sending signals to the Universe. It feels like freedom and protection. Many new sensations, contacts and impressions take place. The energy around becomes visible and very powerful, like a golden glow, vibrations become visible and a person becomes able to observe them wherever he is looking.
Grace spreads throughout the body. Harmony saturates thoughts. The mind feels freedom. So many dots become connected that it leads to multiple brain orgasms during each day. Sexuality is noticeably increased and the body becomes able to get an orgasm by itself, without touching and other ways of getting relief. A person begins to receive pleasure from everything that happens.
It becomes possible to mentally communicate with the spirits of dead people, about which you know, even with the spirits of living people, telepathic communication with animals and plants can take place. A person gets a connection with another reality and other energies that ordinary people do not see and feel. There is a desire to live in nature.
Interest in something that was not previously interesting is increasing. It can be poetry, new books, quotes from a certain person about whom thoughts came. All the learning of wisdom is interconnected, along some logical chain that is ideal for you, so that you endure new lessons almost every five seconds. The feeling of learning does not leave you at all. You want to remember and analyze everything.
There is no fear and shame. Human behavior during spiritual enlightenment defies human laws. A person acts by intuition, not wasting time on making decisions. The greatness of the Universe and absolute trust in God guides a person. Life takes on new colors. Everything starts to matter. Consciousness rises higher and higher. Everything feels right. Bliss and grace, love and happiness, humor and sarcasm saturate life.