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Tips and tricks for landing interviews

Many job seekers have tips and tricks for landing interviews

but struggle to convert those opportunities to offers

Here are 5 essential tips for "hacking" your way into an offer:

0. Prepare to put in the work.

really there’s no "hacking" when it comes to being a top candidate. People that get offers typically don't cut corners.

1. Nailing interviews is all about what happens pre-interview

Research the company, leaders, values, leadership principles, and how the interviews are held. Arm yourself with knowledge.

2. Use a career log, save key data point and accomplishments

This tool changed the way I interviewed forever. Write down data, accomplishments, network connections, and save it.

3. Be your authentic self, but bring the focus back to value

Let your authenticity shine, show humanness, communicate how you deal with failure and adversity. Always bring the discussion back to how you created value in all cases.

4. Interview the Interviewers

Ask them questions, voice your concerns, show you understand the finer-level details. let your preparedness shine.

5. Leverage your strengths and superpowers

Sell your best aspects. explain how they allow you to deliver results. You don't have to be good at everything.