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Magic Walt

Madonna. 16 цитат на английском.

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Фото из галереи pexels

Мадонна известна всему миру не только своими песнями и великолепными выступлениями, но и оригинальными, часто мудрыми и хлесткими высказываниями. Приводим в пример 16 интересных цитат Мадонны на английском языке. После текста Вы найдете мини-словарь, который поможет Вам справиться с их пониманием.

1."Power is being told You are not loved and not being destroyed by it."

2."A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want."

3."Ever since my daughter was born I feel the fleetingness of time. And I don' t want to waste it on getting the perfect lip color."

4."I am because we are. We all bleed the same color. We all want to love and be loved."

5."I laugh at myself. I don't take myself completely seriously. I think that's another quality that people have to hold on to...you have to laugh, especially at yourself."

6."I think the ultimate challenge is to have some kind of style and grace, even though You haven't got money or standing in society or formal education. I had a very middle , lower-middle class sort of upbringing but I identify with people who've had, at some point in their lives to struggle to survive. It adds another color to your character."

7."Never forget to dream."

8."I wouldn't have turned out the way I was if I didn't have all those old-fashioned values to rebel against".

9."It's not my nature to just kick back."

10."There's no such thing as the perfect soulmate. If You meet someone and You think they're perfect, You better run as fast as You can in the other direction 'cos your soulmate is the person that pushes all Your buttons, pisses You off on a regular basis, and makes You face Your s...."

Фото из галереи pexels
Фото из галереи pexels

11."I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art."

12."I must have been Japanese in a previous life. I'm ptetty sure I was a warrioress. I can't explain it, I just know. I'm good at fighting - fighting with a big sword."

13."I'd like to think I am taking people on a journey; I am not just entertaining people, but giving them something to think about when they leave."

14."Listen, everyone is etitled to my opinion."

15."No matter who You are, no matter what You did, no matter where You've come from, You can always change, become a better version of yourself."

16."Sometimes I look back at myself and remember things I used to say, or my hairstyle, and I cringle".

Теперь, Вашему вниманию мини-словарь:

1. to destroy - разрушать

2. fleetingness - мимолетность, быстротечность

3. to waste time - терять время

4. to bleed - кровоточить, истекать кровью

5. to laugh - смеяться

to laugh at smth/smb- смеяться над чем-либо/кем-либо

6. completely - полностью

7.quality - качество

8.ultimate - решающий, максимальный, предельный

9.challenge - вызов

10.grace - грация

11.society - общество

standing in society - положение в обществе

12.upbringing - воспитание

13.to identify - идентифицировать

14.to survive - выживать

15. to rebel - восставать, бунтовать

16. to kick back - расслабляться

17.soulmate - родственная душа

18. to piss off - бесить, взбесить

19. to face - сталкиваться

20. work of art - произведение искусства

21. previous- предыдущий

22. warrioress - воительница

23. sword - меч

24. used to - бывало

I used to say - бывало я говорил

25. to cringle - сьеживаться