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Do you need money urgently? Today we will not consider options with a permanent job, because in these cases the salary will have to wait at least a month. It's not an option to borrow from a friend or take out a loan either. Even strong friendship can be spoiled by a quarrel over money, and loans will result in interest and fines. Let's look at ideas for quick and relatively easy money. So, what to do to make money without investment and even without much skill? 1. To sell property

To sell something, you have to buy something first, but we don't have any money! Such a reasonable thought was voiced by the hero of Prostokvashino. However, my personal experience shows that there are a lot of things in the lockers of the average citizen that you can get rid of without much suffering, and at the same time earn extra money. You can sell: clothes, shoes or bags; toys; unnecessary simulators; books; stamps; appliances; furniture. P pull everything out of the cabinets and divide it into three categories: necessary, not particularly necessary, not necessary at all. All these times in life, worn prom or wedding dresses, plush bears and other things presented on their first date have only sentimental value. You can live without them. The easiest way to sell items you don't need by placing ads on online platforms.

2. To hand over recycled materials


Old textbooks, notebooks, postcards - we collect everything and pass it like waste paper. You can also hand over glass (many people have whole can deposits for cans), cardboard and metal at the country house. If you have a private house, woolen all the sheds/storerooms/lipers and collect scrap metal. If you get a lot, you won't even need to drag him on your hump to the reception. Just call the recyclers and they'll take out the metal themselves. You can get about $100 for a full body of scrap.

3. To rent a house


Even if you don't have much free space, you can still make money on rent. Ask your relatives or friends for a couple of days by renting out your apartment for a while. With prepayment, of course. The best time is time for vacations and holidays. For example, for the New Year, many young companies are looking for a vacant apartment for a party.

4. To rent a warehouse


If you live in the construction, grocery or other markets, we congratulate you - you have every chance to earn extra money by renting out any dry and clean room for a warehouse of goods. You can rent a garage, a barn or an empty room. Warehouse rental prices are simply godless, so many sellers will be happy to save money by renting your premises.

5. To clean houses in


Cleaning services are becoming increasingly popular. Work-time people don't want to spend their weekend washing floors, knocking out carpets, and so on. It's easier for them to pay someone else than to deprive themselves of rest. Filling in the customer base is a long and difficult task. It's easier to find a clientele through acquaintances. Agree with employers in advance on an hourly payment and payment on the spot.

6. To do cargo transportation or courier delivery


Do you even have a car and strength? Then you can work as a loader on call and transport furniture, for example. If you have a modest car or have a moped or a bicycle, you can work as a courier, deliver food, medicine, and so on.

7. To provide hourly babysitting or nurse services


If there is a need for a babysitter or a nurse in the family, then (usually) people try to hire a permanent employee. However, situations can be different, so orders will come in, though not often. In addition to caring for children, you can help families with dementia. Such people are particularly in need of nursing services, they will be sincerely happy for your help. But the most frequent request remains finding a babysitter for the child, and it's easier with children.

8. To look after animals (walking or overexposure)


If you spend all the time at home, it makes sense to take animals from the owners for overdose while the owners are away. However, it is better to give preference to a simple walk of animals, as a temporary four-legged guest in the house can destroy all the furniture.

9. To participate in prize draws


Many social media groups hold a variety of contests with all sorts of prizes for the winners. They are given money, equipment, gift certificates, sushi sets, etc. Apply, fulfill the terms of the contest (for example, repost advertising on your page) and wait until voting is over. Also pay attention to the labels of the products you often buy. Popular grocery brands keep holding contests and many people win something. As a rule, in such cases, you need the smallest: send a message on the site with a code on the label, save the label, save the check. If the prize is not cash, it can always be sold. 10. To sell hair


This is not the most common way to earn money, because not everyone has hair in good condition. By selling clothes, you will say goodbye to them forever, and by selling your hair, you will grow new ones over time. There's no reason to be sad on braid, especially since it is recommended to cut your hair from time to time to make it grow better. Just don't buy your favorite watch chain with the money raised from the sale of hair. Did you find out which book the reference is to?

11. Send your creativity to talent contests


Do you draw, compose music, or have you long dreamed of writing a bestseller? Send your work to the selection contests for talented artists, musicians, writers, and so on. What if it's your masterpiece that judges like?

12. To buy a lottery ticket


My sa-a-avest unloved option, but on fishlessness, as they say... Let's be honest: the probability of winning an impressive jackpot tends to zero, but it's not uncommon for people to win a couple of hundred dollars. Agree, it's a great joy for lack of money and a couple of hundred. Of course, don't waste your last savings buying up all the tickets. One ticket is enough every couple of months that both the chances of winning appear and the money is not a pity.

And most importantly, remember that you can enjoy life without money. Surround yourself with good people, protect your health, and then any adversity will be much easier to survive. Happiness to you!