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True Church.Channel Coffee pause.

Anyone who has read the Bible carefully will notice that there are descriptions of two churches. One is the True Church, which has Christ as the head and is taught by the One Husband.

For I am jealous of you with the zeal of God; because I betrothed you to one husband, to present you to Christ as a pure virgin.

(2 Corinthians 11: 2)

This Church hears His voice, follows Him, has His qualities and fruits, and every day is more and more transformed into His Image. She is faithful to Her Bridegroom and keeps her clothes,

However, you have a few people in Sardis who have not defiled their clothes, and will walk with Me in white clothes, for they are worthy.

(Revelation 3: 4)

Seeking what pleases Him. The Word of God for this Church is her foundation. The Holy Spirit gives life to her and sanctifies her. She is seated with the Lord in Heaven,

above all Principality, and Authority, and Power, and Dominion, and every name named not only in this century, but also in the future.

(Ephesians 1:20)

Her power is in holiness, and therefore the gates of hell will not prevail against her. Despite the persecution,

And all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

(2 Timothy 3:12)

from relatives in the flesh who consider themselves Christians, she only gets better and stronger.

Blessed are those cast out for righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

(Matthew 5:10)

Because not of this world. And he is not looking for his own in this world. She clearly knows that her home is in Heaven and wants to go there.

Since its members have Christ as the Head, they have one thoughts, one feelings, one Spirit edifies and guides them.

And therefore they understand each other perfectly. They say one thing and there are no divisions between them, except perhaps differences of opinion, since they are different members of the Body of Christ. And they perform different functions in His body.

They are led by the Holy Spirit and do not need structuring, human management and funding. Jesus said about His Church:

for where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.

(Matthew 18:20)

Well, the second church, the description of which we see in the Scriptures, is the Babylonian harlot. False Church. Who has many husbands, listens to them, not Christ. John describes her like this:

The wife was clothed in purple and purple, adorned with gold, precious stones and pearls, and held a golden cup in her hand, filled with the abomination and filth of her fornication;

(Revelation 17: 4)

The Word of God is not its foundation. She fornicates with all who are ready to satisfy her desires of the flesh. She attracts people like herself.

To whom the teaching of Christ is disgusting, who does not want to take up his cross and follow Him. For whom His Word is not necessary for fulfillment, who is looking for his own, and not God's. Who has not crucified his flesh with the passions of lusts.

The false church has quite an earthly origin.

But the wife whom you saw is the great city that reigns over the kings of the earth.

(Revelation 17:18)

We all know where the teaching came from for the neo-Protestant sects where the prosperity gospel was lured into. Where pleasing to the flesh was promoted instead of crucifying it.

All these so-called assemblies were only projects that served to deceive the peoples, to overthrow the powers that were objectionable to Babylon and to establish their own kings, to plunder and destroy those peoples with whose hands they carried it out.

The harlot church swears to God in love, but at the same time ungodly distorts His Word, her weapon of deception is a devilish lie.

This mystery of lawlessness in action was perfectly demonstrated by Satan during the temptation of Christ in the wilderness. When he quoted Scripture to Christ, putting a completely different meaning into God's Words.

But since the Lord had the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as well as a pure heart, Satan failed to seduce Him.

But nevertheless, he succeeds in this way to attract those who do not follow the purity of their hearts and do not hear the conviction of the Holy Spirit. And therefore it easily becomes an instrument in the hands of the devil for the fulfillment of his will.

And the desires of Satan are known to all. He came in order to steal the Word (the followers of the Babylonian harlot accept the Word of God partially), to kill the belief that the Lord changes our hearts and frees them from sin, and to destroy man. As a result, those who fall for these tricks will hear from Christ:

I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.

(Matthew 7:23)

It is very important for the devil to draw as many people as possible with him, that is why he hates all those who belong to the True Church, the Head of which is Christ. Who strives for purity and holiness.

Who speaks the truth regardless of faces and can expose the harlot who serves Satan and deceives all nations.

I saw that the wife was intoxicated with the blood of the saints and the blood of the witnesses of Jesus, and seeing her, I was amazed at great wonder.

(Revelation 17: 6)

Just like John, I also marvel at a very great surprise, looking at all this. And I don't understand how you can have the Bible before your eyes and not see the obvious things that are happening now.

and the prophecy of Isaiah is coming true over them, which says: hear by hearing - and not hurray