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Disciples PRO+

Map design in Disciples 2

completely different level
completely different level

Veterans of Disciples 2 completed all the sagas and original scenarios in the game and they often look for new maps. I also turned to fan content at one time even before I started making my own. And when I first played the “Descent” map, I could not find another word other than "incomparable”. And really, it was a completely different level, which can not be compared with the original scenarios and moreover with the work of most other fans. I personally spoke with the author of the story to find out why his maps stand out so much among other works. It all started quite corny, - explained NeNormal - from creating maps for hotsit with friends. There was practically no Internet in our native wilderness at that time, and we had as much fun as we could. After some time valid maps accumulated enough which I have shared. It turned out that many players liked them. It gave me extra motivation."

It should be noted that the main feature of the author is not only a unique approach to the detail of the maps and the richness of the plot but also high replay regaming potential. In some scenarios, you can choose up to five scenarios! Personally, I did not miss the opportunity to go through the maps in all available ways so as not to miss a single outcome!

Alternative view
Alternative view

Despite the fact that the plot of "The Story of Another World" is not set in Nevendaar, the gloomy atmosphere of the Disciples has not gone away. The old characters began to play with new colors, and got a second life. The author used different languages for each key character to make it unique and also integrated many other cultural references into his work. Many plots that arose in my head under the impression of reading books, watching films, life situations, it turned out to be possible to implement on moving of the Disciples. At some point, from the peculiar but small story of the "Descent", a large-scale universe of the "Another World" unfolded in the imagination.

Time passes and the author is not going to stop there. In the process of passing his maps, I caught myself thinking, how cool it would be to play all this in mod. And here You go! - desire as if by magic came true.

“At the moment, finally closing the Gestalt, with a clear conscience (and dirty thoughts) I proceed with not so pretentious in spirit and gloomy in atmosphere, but the same voluminous cycle of stories in the mod of the NorvezhskayaSemga; the action of this cycle will develop in a remote corner of Nevendaar called Vrachos.

The first NeNormal maps have already passed closed tests. Your humble servant also had the pleasure of playing one of his new works, and I can tell you, it was incredible. If you have not completed the cycle of "The Story of another world" do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy these incredible stories! And necessarily follow the news related to the release of new maps of the NeNormal on norvezskayasemga.pro.